NMRT (New Members Round Table)

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The mission of the New Members Round Table (NMRT) is to help those who have been association members less than ten years become actively involved in the association and the profession.

Learn more about NMRT on the ALA website.

Publicity Committee (Disbanded) 

Feb 29, 2016 08:18 PM

Committee Charge

To provide publicity, in the form of news releases and through all available outlets, about NMRT, its activities and projects.

History of the Committee

The Publicity Committee was made a standing committee with appointment of the chair for a two year term by the Constitution change in 1974. David Warren was appointed Publicity Coordinator in 1973 and was then appointed Chair in 1974-76. The committee's publicity outlets have been refocused in 2003 in order to provide streamlined, yet cost-efficient, publicity of NMRT events.

Committee Composition and Terms of Office

  • Chair (two year term)

  • Committee Members (one year terms, may be re-appointed)

Major Responsibilities

The major responsibility of the Publicity committee is to disseminate news releases and to photograph major NMRT events and important meetings at Midwinter and Annual Conferences. The purchase of film and processing is the responsibility of the chair.

Procedures Used to Accomplish Major Responsibilities

  • Be aggressive about news gathering.

  • Be aware of deadlines.

  • Attend NMRT meetings at Midwinter and Annual Conferences, make notes and take pictures. *Solicit information from officers, committees chairs and liaisons.

  • Stay in constant communication with chairs of other NMRT committees in order to centralize news.

  • Prepare news releases for distribution through listservs, Footnotes and websites. Due to prohibitive costs, NMRT no longer pursues publication of advertisements in print journals.

A small budget is provided to the committee for the cost of supplies.

Contact People for Accomplishing Committee Objectives

  • NMRT President

  • NMRT Vice-President/President-Elect

  • NMRT Staff Liaison

  • NMRT Committee Chairs

Critical Dates

News items will begin to be publicized by September. Early publicity happens for the Shirley Olofson Memorial Award and the 3M/NMRT Professional Development Grant. It is crucial to keep in constant contact with committee chairs so that publicity is centralized through the committee. Previously, NMRT used to publish advertisements in library journals, such as American Libraries, for free. However, as charges grew upwards of $500, it became clear to the committee that the best mode of communication is through electronic discussion lists.

Type of Recordkeeping

The Publicity Committee maintains files on news released (with release dates) and all correspondence. The Publicity Committee is also responsible for maintaining files of photographs and identifying photographs with a written description on the back of the photo.

Helpful Hints

  • Be aware of critical dates.

  • Every news item of NMRT should be sent to the Footnotes, the main NMRT listserv, SASCO Committee and select ALA listservs, even if this creates duplication, in order to reach the broadest audience possible.

  • Photographs increase the chances for inclusion in journals.

  • Keep in contact with committee members.

  • Keep in contact with other NMRT committee chairs

  • Send publicity to listservs more than once: send when award is first announced and again when the deadline is closer.

  • Plan ahead!

General Timetable of Activities


  • Post conference publicity.

  • Turn in news releases with pictures as soon as possible to ALA Information Office.


  • Send out letters of welcome to Publicity Committee members.

  • Begin publicity for NMRT Scholarships. A combination ad for the Olofson, 3M,and EBSCO deadlines with the address of a contact person. This is prepared through the ALA NMRT liaison. Ads should appear in September issues.


Reservations for meetings of the Publicity Committee at ALA Midwinter. Publicity through listservs begins for Olofson and other awards.


  • Publicity for Midwinter programs and Social to journals (if space is provided for free). *Continue publicity through listservs and SASCO committee.

  • Planning report due.


Letters to committee members about Midwinter meeting. Include time, place and agenda.


Planning reports and a summary of committee activities must be prepared for distribution at Midwinter. Assign photographer for Midwinter meeting.


Midwinter Meeting. Post-conference publicity.


  • Send reminders to all program chairs for annual conference deadlines.

  • Continue publicity for events at Annual in the same manner as with Midwinter, i.e. NMRT listserv, ALA listservs, and SASCO Committee.


Receive any pre-conference publicity form program chairs submit to publications.

April 15

NMRT Footnotes #4. Send releases to editor.


Announcements of scholarship winners. Send news releases to publications.

May 1

Reservations for meetings of the Publicity Committee at annual conference.


  • Summary of committee activities must be prepared for distribution at Annual Conference. *Letters to committee members about meeting times and agendas.


Last Revised: January 2004


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