NMRT (New Members Round Table)

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The mission of the New Members Round Table (NMRT) is to help those who have been association members less than ten years become actively involved in the association and the profession.

Learn more about NMRT on the ALA website.

Midwinter Social Committee 

Mar 11, 2016 09:11 AM

Committee Charge

The Midwinter Social Committee plans and executes a social event which provides new and continuing NMRT members an opportunity to meet and talk in a relaxed and fun environment.

History of the Committee

The Midwinter Social Committee had its origins in the Midwinter Activities Committee, which was established in 1977 to plan and execute the NMRT Orientation Program and an informal event during the Midwinter Meeting. The first Midwinter Orientation was held in 1978. Effective 2002-2003 it became the responsibility of the Orientation Committee to plan and conduct the Orientation Program for both Annual and Midwinter, and the main focus of the Midwinter Activities Committee shifted to a social activity. The activity can include meeting for dinner or something less formal, such as a pub gathering.

Committee Composition and Terms of Office

Chair (one year term which begins at ALA Annual) Committee members (one year terms, beginning at ALA Annual. At least one committee member should live in conference city)

Committee Purpose

The Midwinter Activities Committee was established in 1977 to plan and execute the NMRT Orientation Program and Informal Event for the Midwinter Meeting. The first Midwinter Orientation was held in 1978. The committee's name was changed to Midwinter Social Committee following a committee restructuring during 2004-2005.

Major Responsibilities

To organize an informal gathering for new and old NMRT members to network. The purpose of the informal event should be to give new NMRT members the opportunity to meet and talk with experienced members, and for everyone to meet old friends and make new ones.

Procedures Used to Accomplish Major Responsibilities

  • Establish committee

  • Set date and time for event

  • Submit selected locations of interest to ALA liaison for event scheduling

  • Plan the event

  • Secure materials (e.g., door prizes)

  • Carry out the event

Information Regarding the Scheduling of Program and Critical Dates

Contact People for Accomplishing Committee Objectives

NMRT President
NMRT Vice-President/President-Elect
NMRT Networking Director
NMRT Blog Editor
ALA Staff Liaison 
ALA Membership Chair
Conference Arrangements Office

Articles on Midwinter activities may appear in Cognotes, American Libraries, and other sources, (including email) prior to the Midwinter Meeting.

Type of Recordkeeping

This committee maintains copies of all committee correspondence and reports.

Reports and Dates for Submitting Reports

The Midwinter Social Committee submits written reports to the NMRT President and Executive Board at the Midwinter meeting and at other times upon request.

Reminders and Helpful Hints

Budget: The budget covers the cost of food/beverages, door prizes, telephone, postage, printed materials and audio-visual equipment if needed.
Reports: A planning report indicating the committee's goals and objectives is submitted to the NMRT Board in August, a final report is submitted in May. Goals, activities, and budget expenditures should be included in this report.
Social Event: The MW Social is an informal gathering for NMRT members and potential members. It should be publicized in the NMRT publications and email listservs. As far as estimating the number of people for the event, 50-60 is a good estimate. Traditionally door prizes have been awarded. Simple activities are encouraged.
Timetable: Follow the rules for carbon copying all correspondence and memos of phone conversations. Plan to have everything finalized by the beginning of November. November and December can be utilized for last-minute tasks and follow-up. At all times, maintain contact with your committee members, your supervising board member, and the NMRT President.

General Timetable of Activities


  • Review files from previous year and begin making a time table for committee work

  • Review the committee's budget

  • Encourage NMRT President to select one member who lives in the host city

  • After committee appointments are official, contact each committee member to verify acceptance


  • Submit planning report to NMRT Board

  • Set date and time for social event, and choose location

  • Begin creating list of inexpensive hotels, restaurants and bars in host city

  • Begin seeking donations for door prizes


  • Create promotional flyer for NMRT web page

  • NMRT Blog (November) – Create a short event promo or web graphic to have posted to the blog in November


  • Publicize event through email listservs, social media and on NMRT website


  • Call event location to verify date and time


  • Conduct Midwinter Social event


  • Submit Final Report to the NMRT Board

Last Reviewed: May 2017; Last Revised: October 2017


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