NMRT (New Members Round Table)

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The mission of the New Members Round Table (NMRT) is to help those who have been association members less than ten years become actively involved in the association and the profession.

Learn more about NMRT on the ALA website.

Membership Promotion, Diversity, & Recruitment 

Mar 11, 2016 09:09 AM

Committee Composition and Term(s) of Office

  • Chair: one-year term; serves as the liaison to the ALA Membership Committee

  • Committee Members: one-year term; can be re-appointed

Committee Charge

The purpose of the Membership Promotion Diversity and Recruitment Committee is to promote membership and encourage diversity in NMRT and ALA. MPDR accomplishes this mission by promoting a positive image of the New Members Round Table and attracting underrepresented librarians and library school students for membership in ALA and NMRT.

History of the Committee

The Membership Promotion Diversity and Recruitment Committee was created in 2007 by combining the Membership, Promotion and Relations Committee and the Diversity Committee. Documentation is scarce for the history of the Membership Promotion and Relations Committee and needs further investigation. The Diversity Committee was created in 1981 as the “Minority Recruitment Committee”, it became a standing committee January 17, 1987. Its charge was focused on the recruitment and retention of minority librarians. In 1996, a motion was made and passed to change the committee name. This committee was renamed the Diversity Committee, and its charge expanded to reach broader groups of underrepresented people. The responsibility of welcoming new members was added due to the May 2009 disbanding of the Membership Relations Committee.

Major Responsibilities

  • Welcome new members to NMRT (responsibility added due to the disbanding of the Membership Relations committee)

  • Maintain a current membership promotion brochure that can be made available for membership promotion by the committee, NMRT members, the state affiliates, the ALA Membership Committee, and ALA headquarters. Make brochures available at ALA conferences.

  • Create promotional materials that encourage membership in ALA and NMRT from librarians, library school students, and library supporters from traditionally underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, persons with disabilities, and gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people.

  • Send a welcome letter or email message to all new NMRT members with information on NMRT programs, committees, and opportunities for involvement.

  • Develop other promotional programs as opportunities become available.

  • NOTE: All emailed membership letters should be BCC'ed in order to maintain privacy of the recipients.

Procedures Used to Accomplish Major Responsibilities

  • Seek positive means for promoting NMRT that benefit the profession, obtain approval from the executive committee, and complete projects.

  • Contact the various groups using the membership brochure (affiliates, library school, NMRT Staff Liaison, liaison to ALA Membership Committee) to be sure that they have sufficient membership brochures on hand to meet demand.

  • Promote diverse membership and participation in NMRT, its committee work, and programs.

  • Collaborate with other NMRT committees to recruit new librarians for round table membership.

  • Increase awareness of diversity issues and resources among NMRT committees and members.

Reports to

Outreach Director

Contact People for Accomplishing Committee Objectives

  • NMRT President

  • NMRT Outreach Director

  • ALA Membership Chair

  • NMRT Affiliates Council Members

  • NMRT Vice-President/President-Elect

  • NMRT Staff Liaison

  • Individuals connected with projects and/or programs

  • NMRT Membership Promotion and Relations Committee Members

Types of Recordkeeping

The Membership Promotion Diversity and Recruitment Committee maintains records relating to the committee and all correspondence.

Publicity Needs

Articles or advertisements can be used to promote membership. Media to be considered include Footnotes, Cognotes, American Libraries, other national library journals, state library association newsletters, and state NMRT newsletters. All articles and publicity should be submitted to the chairs of the Endnotes Committee or Footnotes Committee, or other committees as appropriate.

Correspondence and Carbon Correspondence

  • NMRT President

  • NMRT Vice-President/President-Elect

  • NMRT Outreach Director

  • NMRT Staff Liaison, when appropriate

  • NMRT Membership Promotion and Relations Committee Members

Reports and Dates for Submitting Reports

The Membership Promotion Diversity and Relations Committee submits written reports to the NMRT President and Executive Committee at the Midwinter Meeting, at the Annual Conference, and at other times upon request. When appropriate, articles and publications may be submitted to the Footnotes Editor and to the Publicity Committee Chair.

Helpful Hints

  • The Public Information Office at ALA is often able to provide design and printing services to units of ALA (at a fee, of course.) PIO’s experience with costs of printing and graphic art and other items related to printing brochures is very helpful to someone who is inexperienced in producing large runs of publications.

  • The Staff Liaison to the ALA Membership Committee should be supplied with any brochures that are printed. Each state member of the Membership Task Force receives a packet of brochures from all the divisions and round tables immediately prior to his/her state conference and can use the materials to promote membership in these units.

  • The membership of state NMRT chapters is a good recruiting ground for NMRT membership. Work with Affiliates Council President to secure lists and plan a membership drive.

  • Distribution of committee tasks within MPDR is well-suited to being broken into the sub-committees of membership, promotion, diversity and recruitment.

  • Work with the Student and Student Chapter Outreach Committee to send promotional materials to student chapters.

  • It may be helpful to use the supplied monthly list of dropped members to send out an electronic membership survey instead of contacting all members who have dropped out of NMRT in the past 3 years in one large electronic mailing.

General Timetable


  • Review files and NMRT Handbook.

  • Establish contact with NMRT Outreach Director.

  • Update the welcome letter to new and reinstating members of NMRT (the letter is archived in MPDR Google account). Use ALA-supplied lists to send:

    • An electronic welcome letter to each new and returning member who joined NMRT during the previous month.

    • An electronic letter to all dropped members requesting that they take a survey to determine why they did not renew.


  • Prepare mailings for library schools if using a fall mailing date.

  • Prepare planning report.

  • Establish Membership, Promotion, Diversity, and Recruitment subcommittees.

  • Use ALA-supplied lists to send an electronic welcome letter to each new and renewing member who joined NMRT and dropped member letter to all members that did not renew during the previous month. NOTE: All emailed membership letters should be BCC'ed in order to maintain privacy of the recipients.


  • Submit Diversity Column interview for November issue of Footnotes.

  • Contact groups using membership promotion brochure to see if they have enough copies on hand.

  • Use ALA-supplied lists to send an electronic welcome letter to each new and renewing member who joined NMRT and dropped member letter to all members that did not renew during the previous month.


  • Use ALA-supplied lists to send an electronic welcome letter to each new and renewing member who joined NMRT and dropped member letter to all members that did not renew during the previous month.


  • Use ALA-supplied lists to send an electronic welcome letter to each new and renewing member who joined NMRT and dropped member letter to all members that did not renew during the previous month.


  • Use ALA-supplied lists to send an electronic welcome letter to each new and renewing member who joined NMRT and dropped member letter to all members that did not renew during the previous month.


  • Submit Diversity Column interview for February issue of Footnotes.

  • Use ALA-supplied lists to send an electronic welcome letter to each new and renewing member who joined NMRT and dropped member letter to all members that did not renew during the previous month.


  • Committee Progress Report due

  • Use ALA-supplied lists to send an electronic welcome letter to each new and renewing member who joined NMRT and dropped member letter to all members that did not renew during the previous month.


  • Use ALA-supplied lists to send an electronic welcome letter to each new and renewing member who joined NMRT and dropped member letter to all members that did not renew during the previous month.


  • Submit Diversity Column interview for May issue of Footnotes.

  • Use ALA-supplied lists to send an electronic welcome letter to each new and renewing member who joined NMRT and dropped member letter to all members that did not renew during the previous month.


  • Use ALA-supplied lists to send an electronic welcome letter to each new and renewing member who joined NMRT and dropped member letter to all members that did not renew during the previous month.


  • Reach out to Emerging Leaders to remind them that they are eligible for one free year of NMRT membership.

  • Prepare Diversity column interview for August issue of Footnotes.

  • Prepare files to send to next committee chair.

  • Use ALA-supplied lists to send an electronic welcome letter to each new and renewing member who joined NMRT and dropped member letter to all members that did not renew during the previous month.


  • Annual Conference Report due.

 Last Revised: September 2017


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