NMRT (New Members Round Table)

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The mission of the New Members Round Table (NMRT) is to help those who have been association members less than ten years become actively involved in the association and the profession.

Learn more about NMRT on the ALA website.

  • 1.  Online Discussion Forum March 2023 Topic: Professional Development

    Posted Mar 01, 2023 08:57 AM

    Hello all, 

    My name is Laura Birkenhauer and I'm the Chair of the NMRT Online Discussion Forum Committee. Our committee's March 2023 topic is Professional Development. I hope you'll take the time to participate right here in Connect; simply click on the Reply button to share your thoughts.

    When we think of professional development, most likely think of attending webinars, workshops, classes, and conferences, or reading trade and professional publications. But the options for professional learning extend far beyond these choices. Professional development can look like:

    • participation in a leadership institute,

    • paging through publications like zines and blogs,

    • joining the discussion in a virtual roundtable,

    • viewing Stories from your favorite librarian-focused Instagram account,

    • and so much more!

    How are you engaging in professional development? What professional development opportunities do you recommend (or recommend avoiding) for those looking to stay up-to-date in your area of the field? 

    How do you ensure that your PD is prioritized, especially as time and personal/library budgets are tight? Is your library doing anything that's been especially effective in promoting PD participation?

    These questions are suggestions to get the conversation started, but I welcome any thoughts related to this month's topic. Share as much as you are comfortable detailing in this space. I look forward to hearing from new and returning members of NMRT! 

    Laura Birkenhauer
    Student Success Librarian for Campus Engagement
    Miami University Libraries

  • 2.  RE: Online Discussion Forum March 2023 Topic: Professional Development

    Posted Mar 03, 2023 03:30 PM

    I came across the following Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) blog post in AL Direct that was relevant to this month's discussion - and wanted to share! 

    "I Learned It on TikTok: Professional Development from an Unlikely Source" by Chelsey Roos


    Similarly, I enjoy following Life of Librarians (@lifeoflibrarians) on Instagram. Even if the librarian featured in the weekly takeover isn't employed in a similar role or library, I am always picking up new tools and techniques from this account's posts and stories!

    What unlikely sources do you turn to for professional development?

    Laura Birkenhauer
    Student Success Librarian for Campus Engagement
    Miami University Libraries

  • 3.  RE: Online Discussion Forum March 2023 Topic: Professional Development

    Posted Mar 04, 2023 02:58 PM

    For myself, I have started to reach out to other areas in my department to request anything to enhance my skills. An example would be our social media department. I currently run my library's Facebook page, but I wanted hands on experience in creating videos or reels. I was allowed to create a video with Tiktok app and researched how to improve it. They liked it and shared it on our official account. In my organization, we have to maintain the chain of command, so I would ask my manager first before reaching out. I think it also helps showing your managers, coordinators, or other department heads that you are showing an interest outside of your current title. You never know how it may lead to something else in the future. 

    Bithiah Brown
    Librarian I
    LA County Public Library

  • 4.  RE: Online Discussion Forum March 2023 Topic: Professional Development

    Posted Mar 05, 2023 02:08 PM
    Edited by Laura Birkenhauer Mar 05, 2023 02:09 PM

    Bithiah, creating your own cross training opportunities internally is a great idea! Especially if colleagues and your manager are open to the idea, and if there aren't formal development options (or in addition to these opportunities!). Thanks for sharing this example! Hopefully it inspires others to take similar steps.

    Have others had success with this approach? What have you learned? 

    A few internal things I'll share, happening at my library: 

    • At my library, we've long hosted "Friday Coffee Hours," which function as an internal PD space for sharing about various subjects of interest, including library instruction, hot topics in librarianship, and much, much more. A few of the topics for this semester: inclusive instruction; AI in libraries; humanities laboratories. 
    • The Professional Development LibGuide for my organization recently began to list memberships for many of our librarians and staff in order to facilitate questions much like the example you mention. For example, you may see in the LibGuide list that a fellow librarian is a member of an ALA roundtable on a topic you're interested in. You can then reach out and get more information directly from that individual - about joining the organization itself or more about the topic, etc. 

    Questions to continue the conversation: 

    • Do others have examples of other (formal or informal) professional development options you've utilized or created within your library or organization? Bonus points if it's an "unconventional" approach to PD, but I'd love to hear about anything you're finding valuable! 
    • Does your library have a group dedicated to professional development? Do they create guides, offer trainings, or something else? Are you a member of that group and, if so, are you doing anything new and different to encourage PD that you'd like to share? 

    Laura Birkenhauer
    Student Success Librarian for Campus Engagement
    Miami University Libraries

  • 5.  RE: Online Discussion Forum March 2023 Topic: Professional Development

    Posted Mar 07, 2023 02:46 PM

    I really valued attending different Science Librarian Boot-Camps this past summer. I was able to have a couple days for professional development because they took place over the summer and were virtual, so my boss had no problem giving me that time. If you're a science librarian (or looking at becoming a science librarian) I highly recommend trying to attend one!

    You can view them all here: https://acrl.libguides.com/sts_professional_development_cmt/science_bootcamps

    Clarissa Ihssen
    Science Librarian
    American University

  • 6.  RE: Online Discussion Forum March 2023 Topic: Professional Development

    Posted Mar 07, 2023 05:49 PM

    Hi Clarissa, 

    These boot camps look fantastic - what a great idea! Thank you for sharing.

    I have really enjoyed the shift to virtual for some PD activities. It grants so much flexibility. I was recently invited to join a bi-monthly, informal, virtual discussion with other Student Success Librarians in the state of Ohio. What a terrific chance to network and learn from others - without having to pay anything for gas money, etc!

    Are there PD opportunities that have gone virtual that others have tried that aren't working as well? For example, I think we've all noticed a general hesitance to participate in breakout room activities during conference sessions and the like, and low attendance at sometimes awkward virtual networking events. (I'm not at all arguing that forced participation in these activities at an in-person event is the answer, just that they definitely operate differently when online.)

    Laura Birkenhauer
    Student Success Librarian for Campus Engagement
    Miami University Libraries

  • 7.  RE: Online Discussion Forum March 2023 Topic: Professional Development

    Posted Mar 21, 2023 01:23 PM

    After returning from the ACRL Conference in Pittsburg last week, I'm eager to revive this conversation and hear from others on the topic of PD!

    Did other NMRT members attend ACRL? What are your takeaways?

    Even though I thoroughly enjoyed the contributed paper and panel sessions I attended, some of my favorite moments of the conference were roundtable and poster sessions, because they allowed for meaningful interaction around topics I was most interested in. On the other hand, I enjoyed that a number of the sessions I attended made use of Slido, which calls itself "the easiest way to make your meetings interactive." One session presenter utilized live Q&A in their Google Slides, which is a feature I was previously unfamiliar with. I also attended a number of virtual sessions (even though I went to the in-person conference!) and appreciated the flexibility they afforded. I plan to add recordings of sessions I missed (either in-person or virtually) to my calendar, so I can make time for further PD throughout the year.

    Even if you didn't attend ACRL, feel free to revisit the questions that I started this thread with (or discuss anything PD related that's on your mind!): 

    • How are you engaging in professional development? What professional development opportunities do you recommend (or recommend avoiding) for those looking to stay up-to-date in your area of the field? 
    • How do you ensure that your PD is prioritized, especially as time and personal/library budgets are tight? Is your library doing anything that's been especially effective in promoting PD participation?

    Laura Birkenhauer
    Student Success Librarian for Campus Engagement
    Miami University Libraries

  • 8.  RE: Online Discussion Forum March 2023 Topic: Professional Development

    Posted Apr 03, 2023 12:24 PM

    Thanks to those who took the time to participate in last month's discussion! A blog post on this topic, referencing our discussion, will be posted to NMRT Notes in the coming weeks.

    Laura Birkenhauer
    Student Success Librarian for Campus Engagement
    Miami University Libraries