NMRT (New Members Round Table)

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Deadline Extended for Entrepreneurship & Libraries Pitch Competition

  • 1.  Deadline Extended for Entrepreneurship & Libraries Pitch Competition

    Posted Apr 05, 2024 09:49 AM

    Submissions are open for the Entrepreneurship & Libraries Pitch Competitionhttps://entrelib.org/elcpc2024/ and the deadline has been extended to Friday, April 12th.  

    Three libraries will be selected to compete in the May 14 (1-2pm EST) pitch competition via Zoom, and all three libraries will win funding:
    1st place: $3,250 | 2nd: $2,000 | 3rd: $1,000
    The audience choice award will be an additional $750 for one of the three libraries.

    Thank you to EBSCO, SimplyAnalytics, PrivCo, and Anonymous for sponsoring.

    Nature of the pitch:

    The focus of the pitching is how a library can support local economic development, job hunters, workforce development, entrepreneurs, nonprofits, and/or small businesses. The ELC is particularly interested in pitches that focus on local equity issues or marginalized populations and communities.

    The target audience for the pitching will be stakeholders in economic development, not librarians. Therefore, the three judges who will rank the three pitches on May 14 are economic development officers.

    Application Requirements:

    Details are provided at https://entrelib.org/elcpc2024/ as well as on the submission form, https://forms.gle/qkwWK6tSgYbkxdSL9 

    In brief, a library would write 400-600 words total covering the 7 prompts listed in the form.

    In return for winning funding from the ELC, the three libraries will share an update with the co-chairs on their process three months after the pitch day, and by the end of the calendar year, will either write or record (video) a short "lessons learned" final report, which will be posted on the ELC website. 


    See https://entrelib.org/elcpc2024/ for links to the 2024, 2023, and 2022 "Pitch Perfect" workshop videos, as well as the previous pitch competitions. 

    The ELC "Inclusive Entrepreneurship" mini-conference provides examples and inspirations for partnering with marginalized populations and communities. https://entrelib.org/information-registration/ 

    The Libraries Build Business Playbook provides examples and recommendations of library outreach to and engagement with partners. https://www.ala.org/advocacy/sites/ala.org.advocacy/files/content/Workforce/LBB_Playbook_web_013122.pdf (free)

    Pitch Day:

    The three finalists will have up to five minutes to pitch their idea to the three judges and the librarians attending the Zoom session. After the three pitches, the judges will confer in private. Meanwhile, the audience will be polled to determine the audience choice award. The ELC will host an open discussion while we wait for the judges' decision. We'll end the session with general networking time. 


    April 12: Extended deadline for submission
    April 15: the top three libraries are invited to compete and begin working on their pitches
    May 14, 1-2:15pm Eastern: pitch day via Zoom, open to all (registration link will come later)

    Thank you! Please let one of the co-chairs know if you have any questions.

    Geeta Halley, Round Rock Public Library: ghalley@roundrocktexas.gov
    LaMonica Wiggins, University of Pittsburgh: lmw129@pitt.edu
    Steve Cramer, UNC Greensboro: smcramer@uncg.edu

    Natalie Bitting
    Humanities Librarian
    UNC Charlotte