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Chat: Pre-Conference Chat: Annual 2012

  • 1.  Chat: Pre-Conference Chat: Annual 2012

    Posted Jun 14, 2012 01:02 PM
    Edited by System Apr 09, 2018 09:25 AM
    Jun 12 2012 12:21PM Linda Crook: Here are some blog posts that might be of interest and help generate questions for the chat later this week. Patrick Sweeney - How to be Awesome at Going to Library Conferences Library Journal's Guide to ALA Annual 2012 Bobbi Newman - ALA Survival Tips and Packing Suggestions Hack Library School Recommended Sessions
    Jun 12 2012 12:22PM Linda Crook: Patrick Sweeney - How to be Awesome at Going to Library Conferences, http://pcsweeney.com/2012/06/05/how-to-be-awesome-at-going-to-library-conferences/
    Jun 12 2012 12:22PM Linda Crook: Library Journal's Guide to ALA Annual 2012, http://lj.libraryjournal.com/2012/05/shows-events/ala/ljs-guide-to-the-ala-annual-2012-program
    Jun 12 2012 12:22PM Linda Crook: Bobbi Newman - ALA Survival Tips and Packing Suggestions, http://librarianbyday.net/2012/05/31/ala-survival-tips-and-packing-suggestion-ala12/
    Jun 12 2012 12:23PM Linda Crook: Hack Library School Recommended Sessions, http://hacklibschool.wordpress.com/2012/06/11/series-hack-ala-our-recommended-sessions/
    Jun 13 2012 4:15PM Linda Crook: ALA Conference website: http://www.alaannual.org/
    Jun 13 2012 4:16PM Linda Crook: Everyone will receive a Conference Program book as part of your attendee package at the onsite registration desk. It is an invaluable source of information, and there will be an online version available via laptops at each of the Ambassador work stations. You can access the preliminary program online at: http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/hall-erickson/ala_anaheim_2012prelim/ The program book contains a great deal of valuable information and can help guide you through your conference experience. It includes information about accessibility; transportation options; big events including keynote addresses; Conference 101 Programs; Post Office and shipping information; and much, much more. It's kind of big to lug around, though.
    Jun 13 2012 4:17PM Linda Crook: ALA Conference Scheduler: http://ala12.scheduler.ala.org/conference-info
    Jun 14 2012 12:06PM Linda Crook: Schedule of NMRT events during ALA Annual 2012: http://www.nmrt.ala.org/notes/?p=170
    Jun 14 2012 12:37PM Andrew Carlos: Is the Conference Program available for download? Like for an iPad?
    Jun 14 2012 12:47PM Linda Crook: There is a mobile app - looks like it's not yet ready for the iPad: http://www.alaannual.org/mobile
    Jun 14 2012 12:48PM Linda Crook: There is an app available for Android, but if you "Don’t have an Android or iOS phone/device? Use the mobile version of the site at http://ala12.scheduler.ala.org via your mobile gadget’s web browser."
    Jun 14 2012 12:55PM Andrew Carlos: hmm. okay. intereesting choices. Though I'd prefer like a PDF or something
    Jun 14 2012 12:58PM Linda Crook: Yeah, I'm not too keen on the funky format they make the preliminary program available in (http://www.nxtbook.com/nxtbooks/hall-erickson/ala_anaheim_2012prelim/)
    Jun 14 2012 12:59PM Janel Kinlaw: I would suggest picking up a copy of Cognotes each day (or reference the electronic copy) as changes to the schedule and highlights of sessions each day will be included
    Jun 14 2012 1:00PM Andrew Carlos: it's hard to browse, even on a computer!
    Jun 14 2012 1:00PM Linda Crook: I always pick up the daily Cognotes, at least for the exclusive Unshelved comic strip each day!
    Jun 14 2012 1:01PM Barbara Lewis: Hi All!
    Jun 14 2012 1:01PM Linda Crook: So, hello everyone! Are y'all going to be attending the conference? Is it your first ALA?
    Jun 14 2012 1:01PM Dorothy Ryan: Yes, my first!
    Jun 14 2012 1:01PM Susan Seifried: Indeed, Andrew - Call me old fashioned, but I've always liked to sit with hard copy of a program with a highlighter...
    Jun 14 2012 1:02PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: Hello, everyone!
    Jun 14 2012 1:02PM Linda Crook: There will be a hard copy once you get there, but it's massive! I recommend using it to browse from your hotel room, or just tearing out the pages for a single day to take with you :)
    Jun 14 2012 1:02PM Susan Seifried: Hello, everyone! It's not my first conference, but my first ALA!
    Jun 14 2012 1:03PM Sam Leif: It's my first ALA Annual - but I went to ACRL last year so I think I might be just a tiny bit prepared? Haha!
    Jun 14 2012 1:03PM Linda Crook: That should help a lot, Sam!
    Jun 14 2012 1:03PM Diane Kachmar: I've found links on the ALA events page to be helpful... there was one titled free food events... :-)
    Jun 14 2012 1:03PM Andrew Carlos: it's my first ALA
    Jun 14 2012 1:03PM Andrew Carlos: but not my first conference
    Jun 14 2012 1:03PM Sam Leif: What are Cognotes? They sound useful...
    Jun 14 2012 1:03PM Andrew Carlos: I've become a regular at IL and CLA haha
    Jun 14 2012 1:03PM Sam Leif: Diane - I need to find that link!
    Jun 14 2012 1:03PM Linda Crook: Cognotes is the daily newspaper of the conference, they have folks handing it out at the convention center
    Jun 14 2012 1:04PM Susan Seifried: me too, sam!
    Jun 14 2012 1:04PM Janel Kinlaw: Here is a sample of Cognotes - previewing the conference http://iebms.heiexpo.com/ala/ALAANNUAL12CognotesMay.pdf
    Jun 14 2012 1:05PM Diane Kachmar: Also click off that little box when you register that says you want the vendor emails...
    Jun 14 2012 1:05PM Linda Crook: The big difference between ALA and other conferences you may have attended is its sheer scale and scope. But it's like being in a big lecture class - you can make it intimate through being actively engaged and talking to other attendees.
    Jun 14 2012 1:06PM Linda Crook: If you've been to San Diego Comic-Con, Gen-Con, or something lie that, though, the exhibit floor won't be all that impressive.
    Jun 14 2012 1:06PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: That's great advice, Linda. I'm always surprised by how often I run into people I've met at previous conferences.
    Jun 14 2012 1:06PM Sam Leif: Linda - how true! I managed to make a friend at one of the lectures at ACRL who was actually staying in the same hotel - the 4 other librarians who came with him and I had a great night just walking around and exploring the town. Made all the difference.
    Jun 14 2012 1:07PM Diane Kachmar: Well, SDCC has over 125,000 attendees
    Jun 14 2012 1:07PM Thomas Mantzakides: is anyone else getting 30 e-mails a day about the conference? I'm feeling a bit swamped....
    Jun 14 2012 1:07PM Dorothy Ryan: Thomas - yes, LOTS of email
    Jun 14 2012 1:07PM Linda Crook: Awesome! And (I keep hoping this will come true for me) you never know when you might meet a future employer or co-worker.
    Jun 14 2012 1:07PM Janel Kinlaw: I've found making a Conferences folder and just putting all those email unread there
    Jun 14 2012 1:07PM Susan Seifried: yes, thomas! I think I'm going to make special buisness cards, just for the drawings. ;-)
    Jun 14 2012 1:07PM Diane Kachmar: Not 30... but I got about five lunch invites and one reception
    Jun 14 2012 1:07PM Barbara Lewis: Or a mentor!
    Jun 14 2012 1:07PM Janel Kinlaw: helps to just filter them and just read through them closer to the conference
    Jun 14 2012 1:07PM Linda Crook: Wow, I'm not getting nearly that much email!
    Jun 14 2012 1:08PM Thomas Mantzakides: it's my first conference - and despite setting up a schedule through the ALA scheduler, I still feel there's lots of things I'm gonna miss out on
    Jun 14 2012 1:08PM Linda Crook: Yes, definitely have cards for the drawings, although often they can just scan your badge.
    Jun 14 2012 1:08PM Barbara Lewis: I move my conference email to a separate folder/inbox then look at them all at once every couple of days.
    Jun 14 2012 1:08PM Janel Kinlaw: The vendor email can be overwhelming, but there could be an interesting giveaway, new tool or free lunch hidden in them
    Jun 14 2012 1:08PM Diane Kachmar: Go visit the Amabassador booth in the vendor hall, very friendly helpful folks
    Jun 14 2012 1:08PM Andrew Carlos: all the emails are so annoying! its nice to know, and I kept getting emails forwarded to me by my (soon to be) new supervisor
    Jun 14 2012 1:08PM Andrew Carlos: I love the free meal offers! it's a great way to save money
    Jun 14 2012 1:09PM Diane Kachmar: Learn to filter...
    Jun 14 2012 1:09PM Barbara Lewis: Thomas, I usually schedule at least 2 things for each hour. That way if you go to one session and decide to leave, you've got another session lined up.
    Jun 14 2012 1:09PM Janel Kinlaw: The vendors coming to ALA Conference actually defray some of the costs to the conference attendees
    Jun 14 2012 1:09PM Linda Crook: My best advice, Thomas, is just to enjoy what you can, and talk to other folks to find out about what you missed. And be kind to yourself - you won't be able to attend every session, give yourself time to rest.
    Jun 14 2012 1:09PM Thomas Mantzakides: thanks Barbara - sounds like a good back-up plan
    Jun 14 2012 1:10PM Janel Kinlaw: and some of them are librarians as well and love to hear your thoughts on their tools
    Jun 14 2012 1:10PM Linda Crook: That's a good point, Barbara - then you can make a decision when the time comes based on where your friends are going, or what event is closest to where you are, or whatever!
    Jun 14 2012 1:10PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: Some of my vendor "friends" have actually joined NMRT after talking with me about my experience in the RT. :)
    Jun 14 2012 1:10PM Barbara Lewis: You've got it, Linda.
    Jun 14 2012 1:11PM Thomas Mantzakides: Are exhibit passes included with the registration - or do we have to purchase them separately?
    Jun 14 2012 1:11PM Susan Seifried: Right, I have 2-4 scheduled...depending on where I am, and what I REALLY want to do, I'l decide then
    Jun 14 2012 1:11PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: They're included in registration.
    Jun 14 2012 1:11PM Linda Crook: One of my favorite co-workers is now working for Springshare, so she'll be manning a booth. She's a great librarian and it'll be cool to see what she can accomplish with them.
    Jun 14 2012 1:11PM Susan Seifried: quite often I'll be surprised by a session I wasn't that hot about initally..
    Jun 14 2012 1:12PM Andrew Carlos: omg. SPRINGSHARE IS THE BEST!
    Jun 14 2012 1:12PM Andrew Carlos: I love dealing with them with tech issues so helpful
    Jun 14 2012 1:12PM Linda Crook: The exhibits are included. If you're bringing a non-librarian friend, you can get them an exhibits pass so they can take a look at the free books, etc.
    Jun 14 2012 1:12PM Andrew Carlos: I'm kinda scared of how many sessions I've already scheduled...theres a few hours where I have 4 sessions on my calendar
    Jun 14 2012 1:12PM Barbara Lewis: In addition to all of the exhibits, the poster sessions are also in the exhibit hall. That's a great place to see lots of things in a short time being done by other librarians and talk to them personally about their projects.
    Jun 14 2012 1:12PM Susan Seifried: that's another question....are there going to be discounted LIS books there...(pardon if this is a noobish question..)
    Jun 14 2012 1:13PM Linda Crook: Susan, yes! And sometimes something I was really excited about turns out to be a dud, and then it's nice to be able to just pick up and leave and try something else.
    Jun 14 2012 1:13PM Janel Kinlaw: Another suggestion for sessions you can't get to - check out the scheduler entry for handouts and/or twitter for tweets detailing the session
    Jun 14 2012 1:13PM Thomas Mantzakides: sorry if i may have missed this - but when we first get to the conference, where do we report to to pick up our badges, etc.?
    Jun 14 2012 1:14PM Barbara Lewis: That's right, Linda. Don't be afraid to leave a session that's not living up to expectations.
    Jun 14 2012 1:14PM Susan Seifried: Me too, drew! I figure that this conference is SO big - in terms of space as well as # of sessions, I figure I'll decide on stuff as I go...
    Jun 14 2012 1:14PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: You'll sign in at the convention center, Thomas. There are HUGE signs that will point the way.
    Jun 14 2012 1:14PM Linda Crook: The ALA store will be selling LIS books, and there may be a coupon (that's another thing you get in the registration packet, a coupon book! Includes giveaways you can enter, too)
    Jun 14 2012 1:15PM Thomas Mantzakides: Thanks Emily
    Jun 14 2012 1:15PM Andrew Carlos: I've found that its kind of nice to have friends who don't share your interests, so you can kind of divide and conquer on sessions
    Jun 14 2012 1:15PM Ava Brillat: Hi Everyone!
    Jun 14 2012 1:15PM Linda Crook: Yes, Andrew! And you can also use it as an opportunity to try something outside your area.
    Jun 14 2012 1:15PM Sam Leif: When you meet someone you are enjoying having a conversation with - is it awkward to ask them if they have lunch/dinner plans? Or is that totally accepted as the way to further building a relationship?
    Jun 14 2012 1:15PM Dorothy Ryan: That's a good strategy, Andrew
    Jun 14 2012 1:15PM Susan Seifried: hello, Ava!
    Jun 14 2012 1:16PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: That's a good idea, Andrew. If you're attending conference alone, though, you can follow the "never eat alone rule." Ask someone if the seat next to them is taken and then strike up a conversation about what they've attended and learned.
    Jun 14 2012 1:16PM Diane Kachmar: Give yourself travel time to non CC hotels
    Jun 14 2012 1:16PM Ava Brillat: I think this is acceptable- A lot of librarians have the same type of personality, meaning that we all have trouble approaching people!
    Jun 14 2012 1:16PM Diane Kachmar: The Disneyland hotels take the longest to get to
    Jun 14 2012 1:16PM Thomas Mantzakides: are all the conference locations generally close to one another?
    Jun 14 2012 1:16PM Linda Crook: Hi, Ava! Ave helped organize our great program on Networking last week, archived on Connect (somewhere)
    Jun 14 2012 1:17PM Ava Brillat: http://connect.ala.org/communities/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?MessageKey=60ed1bea-3d8a-4004-9354-776b1ec04759
    Jun 14 2012 1:17PM Ava Brillat: :)
    Jun 14 2012 1:17PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: The meetings are spread out among several hotels and the convention center. There are free (sponsored by Gale) buses, though, to get you from place to place.
    Jun 14 2012 1:17PM Susan Seifried: So, I have another question - I am assuming that there are obvious shuttles from place to place? how often will these run?
    Jun 14 2012 1:17PM Diane Kachmar: The Hilton Marriott and CC are close together
    Jun 14 2012 1:17PM Linda Crook: Totally acceptable, Sam. They may be trying to work up courage to ask you the same thing :)
    Jun 14 2012 1:17PM Janel Kinlaw: Sam - I had just "met" a fellow librarian on Twitter before conference and ended up replying to her call for dinner plans at Midwinter - don't be afraid to ask if they have plans
    Jun 14 2012 1:17PM Diane Kachmar: The rest you might need the GALE bus
    Jun 14 2012 1:17PM Linda Crook: Shuttles run every twenty minutes or so? There will be several routes going to different sets of hotels.
    Jun 14 2012 1:18PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: The shuttle scheduls is in the preview edition of Cognotes. Let me see if I can find it.
    Jun 14 2012 1:18PM Sam Leif: How are people getting from the airport to their hotels? Taxis? Does the conference have a bus (because that would be awesome)
    Jun 14 2012 1:18PM Dorothy Ryan: Sam, I'm using SuperShuttle
    Jun 14 2012 1:18PM Diane Kachmar: Shuttle van from John Wayne is about $10
    Jun 14 2012 1:18PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: I'm using Super Shuttle, too
    Jun 14 2012 1:18PM Susan Seifried: ok great, linda...I'm familiar with the area, and it was kind of a concern of mine
    Jun 14 2012 1:18PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: It's $16 from LAX
    Jun 14 2012 1:18PM Ava Brillat: There's a super shuttle discount link on the ALA travel page
    Jun 14 2012 1:18PM Linda Crook: I haven't figured that out yet, Sam, thank you for the reminder! People mostly take shuttles and taxis, some hotels have airport shuttles.
    Jun 14 2012 1:18PM Barbara Lewis: SuperShuttle.
    Jun 14 2012 1:18PM Janel Kinlaw: discount code for Super shuttle https://www.supershuttle.com/default.aspx?GC=PDQ3E
    Jun 14 2012 1:19PM Linda Crook: $16 from LAX for SuperShuttle, Emily?
    Jun 14 2012 1:19PM Diane Kachmar: There is a Gray line bus from LAX to Disney
    Jun 14 2012 1:19PM Thomas Mantzakides: Am I the only one who rented a car from LAX to the convention?
    Jun 14 2012 1:19PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: Yes. Minus the $10 ALA discount
    Jun 14 2012 1:19PM Dorothy Ryan: That's the rate I got: $16
    Jun 14 2012 1:19PM Linda Crook: Ooo, nice!
    Jun 14 2012 1:19PM Diane Kachmar: Every half hour
    Jun 14 2012 1:19PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: Sorry 10% NOT $10
    Jun 14 2012 1:19PM Susan Seifried: I'll have a car, but I'm local...
    Jun 14 2012 1:19PM Diane Kachmar: Drops off at the Buzz Light year parking lot across from Convention way
    Jun 14 2012 1:19PM Christopher Kyauk: Here's a Google map of the ALA Annual shuttles- http://t.co/kMeA1puT
    Jun 14 2012 1:20PM Diane Kachmar: 2 blks from the convention center
    Jun 14 2012 1:20PM Linda Crook: The conference shuttles are another great place to meet other librarians.
    Jun 14 2012 1:20PM Susan Seifried: It will be nice to have a car there, IMO...if you need to get things outside the area.
    Jun 14 2012 1:20PM Sam Leif: I'm flying into John Wayne...checkout the supershuttle to see if it goes there :)
    Jun 14 2012 1:20PM Diane Kachmar: There is also the Disney bus
    Jun 14 2012 1:20PM Diane Kachmar: Picks up at the Marriott and the Hilton
    Jun 14 2012 1:20PM Diane Kachmar: 7 day pass $20
    Jun 14 2012 1:21PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: Gray Line runs a bus from the airports to area hotels, too. I think it's comparable to SuperShuttle, but it runs on a schedule rather than "on call."
    Jun 14 2012 1:21PM Diane Kachmar: Hits most the Harbor Blvd hotels
    Jun 14 2012 1:21PM Linda Crook: Because time is often of the essence (and I don't really get to pick which sessions I attend) I often take taxis between sessions. I always invite others to join me, my treat!
    Jun 14 2012 1:21PM Thomas Mantzakides: a lot of good info here - will this chat session be archived for us to refer to as the conference draws near?
    Jun 14 2012 1:22PM Linda Crook: Yes, it will, Thomas!
    Jun 14 2012 1:22PM Thomas Mantzakides: thanks Linda
    Jun 14 2012 1:22PM Susan Seifried: oh, and parking? anyone know the cost, and can we do ins and outs?
    Jun 14 2012 1:22PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: Here's a parking map, Susan: http://www.anaheimconventioncenter.com/article.cfm?id=33
    Jun 14 2012 1:23PM Diane Kachmar: There is a super Target Grocery/pharmacy three blocks south of the CC
    Jun 14 2012 1:23PM Diane Kachmar: CC has a hug parking garage - enter off Katella behind the CC
    Jun 14 2012 1:23PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: Good to know, Diane! I always like to find a place to buy healthy snacks to tote around so I don't have to pay for CC food
    Jun 14 2012 1:23PM Adrith Bicchieri: That's seriously good to know, Diane, thank you!
    Jun 14 2012 1:23PM Thomas Mantzakides: good question Susan - I wonder if I can drive from place to place and if parking will be free and accessible.
    Jun 14 2012 1:23PM Barbara Lewis: FYI, I've just posted a reminder about the NRMT orientation sessions to ALA Connect and included our conference tips handout at http://connect.ala.org/files/38098/2012Annual-ConferenceTips.pdf
    Jun 14 2012 1:24PM Linda Crook: (Emily beat me to the url)
    Jun 14 2012 1:24PM Ava Brillat: Thanks, Barbara!
    Jun 14 2012 1:24PM Diane Kachmar: :) ALA ambassador at your service
    Jun 14 2012 1:24PM Linda Crook: Yes, carry snacks and bottled water!
    Jun 14 2012 1:24PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: I probably wouldn't count on driving around the conference, Thomas.
    Jun 14 2012 1:24PM Linda Crook: Right on, Diane! Thanks for joining us :)
    Jun 14 2012 1:24PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: Hotel parking is SO expensive!
    Jun 14 2012 1:24PM Christopher Kyauk: re: parking I just found this by googling. http://www.anaheimconventioncenter.com/article.cfm?id=44
    Jun 14 2012 1:24PM Diane Kachmar: Do not wear *new* shoes
    Jun 14 2012 1:25PM Andrew Carlos: Maybe I'll bring my bike and park at the Super Target! hahah
    Jun 14 2012 1:25PM Diane Kachmar: The Marriott is very expensive
    Jun 14 2012 1:25PM Barbara Lewis: Comfy shoes are a must because you will walk miles!
    Jun 14 2012 1:25PM Linda Crook: And more than one pair, because sometimes you won't want to put that same pair of comfy shoes back on!
    Jun 14 2012 1:25PM Susan Seifried: Awesome idea drew! lol
    Jun 14 2012 1:26PM Diane Kachmar: and fills up very quickly - the CC is like HALF the price
    Jun 14 2012 1:26PM Linda Crook: Especially for the exhibits.
    Jun 14 2012 1:26PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: Comfy clothes are a good idea, too. And layers! Conference rooms are notoriously cold.
    Jun 14 2012 1:27PM Sam Leif: I wonder if hotels offer discount parking if you are staying in them? Maybe people can coordinate with those of us flying in to use our "parking spaces" since we won't need them?
    Jun 14 2012 1:27PM Christopher Kyauk: Carve out some time for first-day Exhibits opening. It's an experience; plus all the swag.
    Jun 14 2012 1:27PM Linda Crook: Exhibits tip: ask exhibitors to send you info after the conference rather than taking catalogs or brochures with you. They start to weigh you down quickly (and no wheeled carts on the exhibit floor)
    Jun 14 2012 1:27PM Linda Crook: And if you don't want to carry all your swag home, there's a post office on site
    Jun 14 2012 1:27PM Diane Kachmar: Park your bike at the Morton's Steakhouse on convention Way -- they don't open until 4 PM - no cars
    Jun 14 2012 1:27PM Thomas Mantzakides: I received an e-mail from the hotel I'm staying at that informed me that hotel parking is free for guests.
    Jun 14 2012 1:27PM Barbara Lewis: I've actually used my phone to take pictures of vendor brochures.
    Jun 14 2012 1:27PM Linda Crook: Smart, Barbara!
    Jun 14 2012 1:28PM Kelly Quaye: Hello! I'm just following the conversation and trying to pick up some useful tips while at work. Loads of useful suggestions, and especially glad to know where the grocery store is :)
    Jun 14 2012 1:28PM Susan Seifried: My other thought was instead of bringing my car, that I'd take the metrolink, and take a shuttle to the CC.
    Jun 14 2012 1:28PM Thomas Mantzakides: true - I plan on packing light because I'm intimidated by how much stuff I'll pick up at the conference that I'll have to bring with me back home!
    Jun 14 2012 1:28PM Andrew Carlos: gah, wish I got a hotel close to the conference, but it's out of my price range since I'm paying for ALA out of pocket =(
    Jun 14 2012 1:29PM Barbara Lewis: For those with smartphones, check your app store at the conference. At midwinter, there was an app to find help find sessions nearby.
    Jun 14 2012 1:29PM Diane Kachmar: Train station is 2 blocks from CC - Disney bus picks up there - I'm told.
    Jun 14 2012 1:29PM Linda Crook: My favorite garment for layering is a merino shawl. They pack very small and light.
    Jun 14 2012 1:30PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: They never go out of style, Linda.
    Jun 14 2012 1:30PM Barbara Lewis: You can ship things home if it gets to be too much.
    Jun 14 2012 1:30PM Diane Kachmar: CA evenings are cool - bring something for the evening, you'll want it
    Jun 14 2012 1:30PM Sam Leif: Good tip Diane - I am coming from Las Vegas, Nevada and I totally wouldn't have thought to pack a light jacket!
    Jun 14 2012 1:31PM Susan Seifried: yes! Days may be warm, but evenings can get downright chilly. It's not humid like other places
    Jun 14 2012 1:31PM Linda Crook: That's hard, Andrew! I get some help from my institution, but it's never enough. I've found that if I stay in a conference hotel I'm more likely to attend all my sessions - when I had a distant hotel (in DC) I did more sleeping in and taking naps.
    Jun 14 2012 1:31PM Andrew Carlos: The issue is that I'm in between jobs
    Jun 14 2012 1:31PM Andrew Carlos: my new job doesn't start until July 2nd
    Jun 14 2012 1:32PM Andrew Carlos: so ALA is JUST too early for them to pay for
    Jun 14 2012 1:32PM Diane Kachmar: It is very hard for new attendees to get a close hotel
    Jun 14 2012 1:32PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: There's definitely something to be said, though, for taking a couple of hours for yourself at some point. I always do so that I won't burnout before the end of conference. Others choose to go-go-go and recover later
    Jun 14 2012 1:32PM Barbara Lewis: Congrats that you have a new job, Andrew!
    Jun 14 2012 1:32PM Linda Crook: Great that you do have one lined up, though! Lots of us will be hitting the placement center and the resume review service...
    Jun 14 2012 1:33PM Diane Kachmar: ALA is offering "twilight" Disney tickets 4-9 PM for a good rate
    Jun 14 2012 1:33PM Kelly Quaye: My one piece of advice is that volunteering at the placement center and resume review service is a great way to get involved, meet new people, and find your feet as a first-timer. I always volunteer for these sessions.
    Jun 14 2012 1:33PM Dorothy Ryan: I'm thinking about going to Disney, but it will be crowded!
    Jun 14 2012 1:33PM Adrith Bicchieri: I'm definitely planning to take advantage of that, Diane
    Jun 14 2012 1:33PM Andrew Carlos: i'm DEFINITELY doing disney though
    Jun 14 2012 1:33PM Linda Crook: Yes, Emily! I usually hit conference overload on Saturday or Sunday, and then I just need to give myself a break. I love the networking parties that go late into the evening, but I mostly put them on my calendar for show. I need my sleep too much! And this time I don't even have a time zone change.
    Jun 14 2012 1:34PM Andrew Carlos: and, disney is open till midnight
    Jun 14 2012 1:34PM Andrew Carlos: so the ticket is totally worth it
    Jun 14 2012 1:34PM Diane Kachmar: The kids burn out and go home at 3 PM
    Jun 14 2012 1:34PM Linda Crook: I didn't do Disney last time we were in Anaheim, so I'm definitely doing it this time. The Twilight rates are tempting!
    Jun 14 2012 1:34PM Ava Brillat: I didn't know Disney was open that late!
    Jun 14 2012 1:34PM Kelly Quaye: Anyone know what the twilight Disney rate is?
    Jun 14 2012 1:34PM Susan Seifried: heh, I'm a disney passholder - I live 15 miles away..
    Jun 14 2012 1:34PM Diane Kachmar: $50 for one park
    Jun 14 2012 1:34PM Dorothy Ryan: $50 for Disney; $70 for a park-hopper
    Jun 14 2012 1:34PM Diane Kachmar: $70 for both parks
    Jun 14 2012 1:35PM Kelly Quaye: Thanks!
    Jun 14 2012 1:35PM Susan Seifried: now if anyone has questions about disneyland - even with kids - I'm your woman! :-)
    Jun 14 2012 1:35PM Diane Kachmar: :)
    Jun 14 2012 1:35PM Christopher Kyauk: Anyone staying until Tuesday? I'm thinking of going then. Can't miss Monday Battledecks!
    Jun 14 2012 1:35PM Linda Crook: So, what's great at Disney right now? What should we do (a middle-aged, child-free couple, and no upside down roller coasters)
    Jun 14 2012 1:35PM Andrew Carlos: man! I'm so jealous. I miss having a pass...i used to work in Orange, CA
    Jun 14 2012 1:35PM Dorothy Ryan: How crazy will CA Adventure be with the new Cars exhibit just opening?
    Jun 14 2012 1:35PM Andrew Carlos: CARS LAND!
    Jun 14 2012 1:35PM Diane Kachmar: It will still be there... :-)
    Jun 14 2012 1:36PM Andrew Carlos: I'm staying in SoCal until th 28th
    Jun 14 2012 1:36PM Christopher Kyauk: +1 to Cars Land
    Jun 14 2012 1:36PM Sam Leif: I didn't know that the last day really didn't have much, so I'm in town until Wednesday because I thought Tuesday would be a full day lol!
    Jun 14 2012 1:36PM Andrew Carlos: but visiting family
    Jun 14 2012 1:36PM Diane Kachmar: Car Land opens tomorrow
    Jun 14 2012 1:36PM Susan Seifried: definitely hit soaring over california!
    Jun 14 2012 1:36PM Andrew Carlos: I'm sad - I can't do battledecks. I had volunteered to compete, but I'll be at Disney monday night
    Jun 14 2012 1:36PM Linda Crook: Battledecks! That's a good suggestion for something a new attendee might miss. I haven't seen it yet - I have this feeling in my belly that it's something I would take way, way, too seriously :)
    Jun 14 2012 1:36PM Susan Seifried: and you can bring snacks, water into the park...good way to save $$
    Jun 14 2012 1:37PM Diane Kachmar: My roommate went -- loved it
    Jun 14 2012 1:37PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: I keep telling myself that I must attend Battledecks someday!
    Jun 14 2012 1:37PM Susan Seifried: If you can do world of Color, that's great too!
    Jun 14 2012 1:37PM Andrew Carlos: Battledecks is super fun and I suggest (if they are looking for volunteers) that you compete!
    Jun 14 2012 1:37PM Linda Crook: Great tips about getting involved, Kelly!
    Jun 14 2012 1:37PM Andrew Carlos: it gets people to know your name
    Jun 14 2012 1:37PM Kelly Quaye: I'm leaving Sunday night - not enough vacation days! :(
    Jun 14 2012 1:37PM Sam Leif: Battledecks was one of the events I talked about most from ACRL - no WAY I am missing it this time. It was an amazing amount of fun!
    Jun 14 2012 1:38PM Andrew Carlos: I did it at CLA two years ago, and the next day I had total strangers talking to me about it
    Jun 14 2012 1:38PM Barbara Lewis: Me too, Kelly
    Jun 14 2012 1:38PM Kelly Quaye: I think 3 full days will be plenty though ;)
    Jun 14 2012 1:38PM Diane Kachmar: LITA has a program with George R. Martin (Game of THrones)
    Jun 14 2012 1:38PM Ava Brillat: Wow- I hadn't heard of battle decks- this is awesome!
    Jun 14 2012 1:38PM Sam Leif: When I travel I like to go eat at places you can't go to anywhere else - are there any good places near the convention center that are Cali-specific?
    Jun 14 2012 1:39PM Linda Crook: I think that's probably true, Kelly! Kelly will be finishing the Emerging Leaders program.
    Jun 14 2012 1:39PM Andrew Carlos: IN N OUT
    Jun 14 2012 1:39PM Kelly Quaye: Good question! I see lots of chains :(
    Jun 14 2012 1:39PM Diane Kachmar: Expensive ones...
    Jun 14 2012 1:39PM Andrew Carlos: wait..let me look up the closest one
    Jun 14 2012 1:39PM Linda Crook: Well, I'm excited about the California Pizza Kitchen, because we don't have them here, but I don't think they count :)
    Jun 14 2012 1:39PM Andrew Carlos: wait - you're from Vegas Sam? So you've had in n out
    Jun 14 2012 1:39PM Diane Kachmar: There's a bunch down Katella
    Jun 14 2012 1:39PM Sam Leif: In n Out is delicious Andrew - we are lucky to have them in Vegas too. Anyone without an In-N-Out should eat there!
    Jun 14 2012 1:40PM Susan Seifried: I do need to say, Cars Land will be a mad house...if you're rather 'meh' about cars, best to avoid it...
    Jun 14 2012 1:40PM Andrew Carlos: oh! also!
    Jun 14 2012 1:40PM Andrew Carlos: keep an eye out for LibrarianWardrobe folks
    Jun 14 2012 1:40PM Diane Kachmar: And more up toward Disney (the Ball st. overpass)
    Jun 14 2012 1:40PM Andrew Carlos: we'll be taking photos and posting them on the tumblr
    Jun 14 2012 1:40PM Christopher Kyauk: Well, the HackLibSchool/Library BoingBoing meetup is at The Ranch Restauraunt
    Jun 14 2012 1:40PM Barbara Lewis: Lived in SoCal 20 yrs ago and miss Carl's Jr. Am looking forward to a Western Bacon Burger!
    Jun 14 2012 1:40PM Diane Kachmar: It will calm down in the evening
    Jun 14 2012 1:41PM Sam Leif: I wish there was a list (maybe there is one?) of all the social events
    Jun 14 2012 1:41PM Kelly Quaye: Do you have details of that event, Chris?
    Jun 14 2012 1:41PM Diane Kachmar: Get a fastpass for 11 PM
    Jun 14 2012 1:41PM Christopher Kyauk: Sam: http://t.co/vSXy14Hv
    Jun 14 2012 1:41PM Linda Crook: Awesome, Andrew! I was sad I didn't get my picture taken last time (she whined subtlely)
    Jun 14 2012 1:41PM Sam Leif: Chris - you are my hero!
    Jun 14 2012 1:42PM Ava Brillat: @Chris- Ditto!
    Jun 14 2012 1:42PM Andrew Carlos: ugh - Sunday evening sucks
    Jun 14 2012 1:42PM Andrew Carlos: theres seriously four socials i want to go to
    Jun 14 2012 1:42PM Andrew Carlos: plus a vendor dinner
    Jun 14 2012 1:42PM Christopher Kyauk: @Kelly Are you going to the EL meetup?
    Jun 14 2012 1:43PM Sam Leif: So...what is a 'tweetup'?
    Jun 14 2012 1:43PM Linda Crook: With socials, you can just stay for a few minutes and then go to the next one, like barhopping
    Jun 14 2012 1:43PM Kelly Quaye: Yes, Chris, although it's looks kind of far away on the map - maybe it's not?
    Jun 14 2012 1:43PM Andrew Carlos: @Linda - we'll be wearing stickers and badges
    Jun 14 2012 1:43PM Andrew Carlos: so find us if you want a photo taken
    Jun 14 2012 1:43PM Andrew Carlos: the socials are all in different venues though =(
    Jun 14 2012 1:44PM Linda Crook: It's a meetup organized by people who know each other via Twitter, but they're open to everybody
    Jun 14 2012 1:44PM Susan Seifried: @linda - I know I was worried about this too!
    Jun 14 2012 1:44PM Kelly Quaye: Yeah, events seem to be pretty spread out unfortunately
    Jun 14 2012 1:44PM Christopher Kyauk: @Kelly The one at the Tiki Bar? Not too far.
    Jun 14 2012 1:44PM Susan Seifried: (though I will have a car, and can do some limited librarian schlepping...)
    Jun 14 2012 1:45PM Linda Crook: That's the hard part. They are planning for less-spread-out conferences in the future, but even then it's hard to keep the social events clumped together
    Jun 14 2012 1:45PM Sam Leif: Susan - want to be my friend :P
    Jun 14 2012 1:45PM Linda Crook: @Andrew I guess I'll see if I feel particularly fabulous at any point. I know I'll see Kirby!
    Jun 14 2012 1:45PM Sam Leif: When I went to ACRL it was often easier to walk even for the people with cars because Parking was such a hassle
    Jun 14 2012 1:46PM Kelly Quaye: @Chris - yeah, the Tiki Bar. It's difficult to tell from the map.
    Jun 14 2012 1:46PM Susan Seifried: haha, we are on facebook!
    Jun 14 2012 1:46PM Diane Kachmar: Cab it (trust me) Disney bus also runs as long as the park is open will get you to Garden walk
    Jun 14 2012 1:47PM Diane Kachmar: Some evening receptions run shuttle buses
    Jun 14 2012 1:47PM Christopher Kyauk: @Kelly I believe it's in the Disney Hotel, so it shouldn't be too far
    Jun 14 2012 1:47PM Kelly Quaye: Good to know, Diane. Thanks!
    Jun 14 2012 1:48PM Diane Kachmar: Oh, good, I'll take the Disney bus :-)
    Jun 14 2012 1:48PM Diane Kachmar: They sell Disney bus passes in the Hilton (kiosk) or did.
    Jun 14 2012 1:49PM Andrew Carlos: wait. did we have an agenda for this chat, or was it literally, talk amongst yourselves? haha
    Jun 14 2012 1:49PM Linda Crook: Any way you want it, @Andrew!
    Jun 14 2012 1:49PM Diane Kachmar: chat don't need no stinkin agenda ...
    Jun 14 2012 1:50PM Linda Crook: It's helping to psych me up! I'll be arriving at LAX exactly one week from now.
    Jun 14 2012 1:51PM Andrew Carlos: I'm driving down from San Jose
    Jun 14 2012 1:51PM Andrew Carlos: boring drive, but i need my car!
    Jun 14 2012 1:51PM Adrith Bicchieri: Me too :) It made this morning's commute nicer to think that in a week I'd be getting on a plane instead.
    Jun 14 2012 1:51PM Kelly Quaye: Linda, What's the name of your Springshare friend? I might like to talk with her at some point.
    Jun 14 2012 1:52PM Andrew Carlos: Is it talia? She's my favorite springshare person
    Jun 14 2012 1:52PM Andrew Carlos: haha I've dealt with them so much this past year, i've gotten to first name basis with them
    Jun 14 2012 1:52PM Linda Crook: @Kelly - Zinthia Briceno-Rosales. She lives in Palouse, WA, and used to work at UI!
    Jun 14 2012 1:52PM Christopher Kyauk: Another great link is HackLibSchool's Hack ALA, lots of great tips too. http://hacklibschool.wordpress.com/2012/06/12/professional_pre/
    Jun 14 2012 1:52PM Kelly Quaye: Yay for UI :)
    Jun 14 2012 1:53PM Susan Seifried: @andrew should be pretty quick drive...but you may already know to avoid hitting the 5 around rush hour..
    Jun 14 2012 1:53PM Kelly Quaye: Okay, I'll see if I can track her down. Thanks, Linda!
    Jun 14 2012 1:53PM Andrew Carlos: yeah I'll be taking the 5 though, leaving at like, 5 Am from here
    Jun 14 2012 1:53PM Andrew Carlos: I'm from LA, so the LA rush hour won't be a bother for me
    Jun 14 2012 1:53PM Linda Crook: Southern California traffic is amazing.
    Jun 14 2012 1:53PM Susan Seifried: haha, gotcha!
    Jun 14 2012 1:53PM Diane Kachmar: TRy the 101 - we are inland
    Jun 14 2012 1:54PM Linda Crook: Is there a text an ambassador program this year?
    Jun 14 2012 1:54PM Diane Kachmar: Yes
    Jun 14 2012 1:54PM Diane Kachmar: We are set up in two venues - one at Membership (vendors) and one at Registration
    Jun 14 2012 1:55PM Diane Kachmar: They will have it set up
    Jun 14 2012 1:55PM Linda Crook: If you have any questions or need, like, bail or something, you can call or text me during the conference: 509-592-5340.
    Jun 14 2012 1:55PM Andrew Carlos: lol
    Jun 14 2012 1:55PM Linda Crook: And I will be at allllll the NMRT events!
    Jun 14 2012 1:55PM Andrew Carlos: PLEASE no one need bail money!
    Jun 14 2012 1:55PM Diane Kachmar: You heard that club at Riverwalk, eh?
    Jun 14 2012 1:55PM Linda Crook: SRSLY!
    Jun 14 2012 1:56PM Adrith Bicchieri: Is that a standard offering of the NMRT leadership, Linda? :O
    Jun 14 2012 1:56PM Kelly Quaye: Shame that the NMRT Mentoring Social clashes with the Emerging Leaders Reception, though.
    Jun 14 2012 1:56PM Diane Kachmar: It's Anaheim ... no worries
    Jun 14 2012 1:56PM Linda Crook: It's something I picked up from former ALA membership director John Chrastka. Uh, the bail part is a more recent innovation.
    Jun 14 2012 1:57PM Diane Kachmar: We are within the Disney sphere of influence and transport
    Jun 14 2012 1:57PM Linda Crook: He bailed me out more than once, but not literally!
    Jun 14 2012 1:57PM Diane Kachmar: How does he like his new job?
    Jun 14 2012 1:58PM Linda Crook: Oh, and if your hotel is in the Disneyland area, and you start hearing noises like the Incredible Hulk is smashing cars in the parking lot, it's the Fireworks!
    Jun 14 2012 1:58PM Thomas Mantzakides: do we have to buy advanced tickets to see the Rock Bottom Remainders?
    Jun 14 2012 1:58PM Linda Crook: @Diane - he seems to be doing great, although I haven't spoken to him directly
    Jun 14 2012 1:59PM Diane Kachmar: Which you can (kinda) see for free at Disney Marketplace
    Jun 14 2012 1:59PM Linda Crook: @Thomas - I believe so
    Jun 14 2012 1:59PM Linda Crook: Tickets may run out; http://ala12.scheduler.ala.org/node/1359
    Jun 14 2012 1:59PM Janel Kinlaw: @Thomas - you can buy tickets at conference - look for the "Ticket Counter"
    Jun 14 2012 1:59PM Linda Crook: Thanks, Janel!
    Jun 14 2012 2:00PM Diane Kachmar: They will have a booth at Registration - buy one Friday, if you want one
    Jun 14 2012 2:00PM Diane Kachmar: Thanks, Linda. I miss him, too.
    Jun 14 2012 2:00PM Janel Kinlaw: but I agree if you are interested - buy them sooner rather than later
    Jun 14 2012 2:00PM Linda Crook: And thanks, everyone, for coming! I look forward to meeting/seeing you in person next week.
    Jun 14 2012 2:01PM Thomas Mantzakides: Thanks Janel!
    Jun 14 2012 2:01PM Emily Prather-Rodgers: Nice to "meet" all of you. Conference is going to be great!
    Jun 14 2012 2:01PM Diane Kachmar: Vendor reception Friday night
    Jun 14 2012 2:01PM Sam Leif: Yes - this was a great chat :) Hope to see you all in person
    Jun 14 2012 2:01PM Diane Kachmar: free food and prizes
    Jun 14 2012 2:01PM Linda Crook: Battledecks info: http://ala12.scheduler.ala.org/node/505
    Jun 14 2012 2:01PM Dorothy Ryan: Can't wait! See you there
    Jun 14 2012 2:01PM Andrew Carlos: bye all!
    Jun 14 2012 2:01PM Thomas Mantzakides: bye everyone - have a safe trip to Anaheim!
    Jun 14 2012 2:01PM Kelly Quaye: Thanks everyone. Nice chatting and hope to meet you all too :)
    Jun 14 2012 2:01PM Diane Kachmar: See everyone there
    Jun 14 2012 2:01PM Linda Crook: Drive safe!
    Jun 14 2012 2:01PM Adrith Bicchieri: Safe travels :)
    Jun 14 2012 2:02PM Susan Seifried: yes, have a good trip, everyone! see you soon!