I work in a public library that still has a computer lab. Beaverton Oregon.
To assist people but stay 6 feet away means I am using a thin steel pole to point at things like "find the three dots," to point out where to do things, serving the public. Mostly low tech skills users and using 15" laptops.
We have strict rules about distancing in our lab.
I need a list of apps if anyone knows, that will enable me to see their screen and control their mouse from a tablet as I stand 6 ft nearby. I would prefer that it's not something convoluted. I already know how to use zoom, but that means a cumbersome series of steps- send them an email link and then they have to log into their email and open a link and then except requesting the screen control. I wish it was just an app in the tray. Does anyone have any suggestions?
This is my first time to post and I hope that this is an OK place to post this. I hope everyone is well and doing the best under these weird syrupstances. :)
Jill Adams
Jill Adams
Beaverton City Library