LEARNRT Round Table

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last person joined: 6 days ago 

LearnRT promotes quality continuing education and staff development for all library personnel. We help you NETWORK with other CE providers for the exchange of ideas, concerns and solutions.

LearnRT serves as your SOURCE for staff development continuing education assistance, publications, materials, training and activities.

LearnRT is your ADVOCATE for quality library staff development and continuing education at both the local and national levels

Learn more about LearnRT on the ALA website.

2010 Learning Round Table Emerging Leader Projects 

Feb 01, 2010 10:10 AM

Project M: Staff Day Success

In order of appearance from left to right:  M. Alan McGinley, Faith Mulberry, Kirby McCurtis, Jenna Boles, Tina Rawhouser

Working with a CLENERT (LearnRT) past president and long-time board member, the EL group will research best practices for planning and implementing all-staff development days in libraries of all sizes. The group will identify and gather planning and budgeting tools, templates, assessments and evaluations, practical and affordable program ideas, digital media and case studies that demonstrate “staff day success,” events that are valuable to and valued by library employees at all levels. The resources will be compiled and edited as an online publication, Staff Day Success. Distribution for this online publication may be free to members of the Learning RT, and at a reasonable cost to others.


Project N: Webinar Learning Series

In order of appearance from left to right:  Sonnet Brown, Natalie Clewell, Angela Nolet, Jennifer Spriggs* (sponsored by Learning Round Table)

The Learning Round Table (formerly CLENE) has successfully partnered with WebJunction in the last year to deliver two webinars - Learning for Learning Professionals and Libraries as Learning Organizations. The goal of this Emerging Leader project is to build off of our success and create a sustainable education program that delivers regular webinars on topics of interest to the LearnRT membership.  The program will serve as a model to other units in ALA who would like to deliver learning opportunities to their members.

 Under the guidance of experienced webinar producers, the project team will design and plan a series of webinars on topics of interest to trainers and managers/coordinators of training and staff development. Project participants will be involved in determining topics, finding presenters, creating a schedule, marketing and overseeing the project. The Emerging Leader group assigned to this project will have the opportunity to present in at least one of these webinars.


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2 Files
JPG file
project_m_staff_day_success_group_jpg_12793.JPG   80 KB   1 version
Uploaded - Apr 10, 2018
JPG file
Project N Webinar Learning Series Group.JPG   79 KB   1 version
Uploaded - May 14, 2018

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Feb 07, 2011 06:27 PM


I am a EL project member for 2011 working on the follow up to this project -- Staff Training Day -- and I would like to see any photos and online documents too so we could see exactly what work was done already.  We have an excel spreadsheet of the survey results but any other document that was developed through this project from last year would be helpful.  We also would like to have photos of the previous years EL project members so we can give credit to those who started this project, because I know I speak for all members of my group when I say I want to make sure credit is given where due and wish to include in our product those who developed the survey and compiled all the results.


Feb 12, 2010 04:05 PM

The group photos had been posted along with these online docs but they seem to have disappeared. The captions are still intact, but the photos are gone. Can anyone advise?

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