LEARNRT Round Table

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last person joined: 10 days ago 

LearnRT promotes quality continuing education and staff development for all library personnel. We help you NETWORK with other CE providers for the exchange of ideas, concerns and solutions.

LearnRT serves as your SOURCE for staff development continuing education assistance, publications, materials, training and activities.

LearnRT is your ADVOCATE for quality library staff development and continuing education at both the local and national levels

Learn more about LearnRT on the ALA website.

Upcoming LearnRT Meetings/Events - including at ALA Annual

  • 1.  Upcoming LearnRT Meetings/Events - including at ALA Annual

    Posted May 22, 2023 04:03 PM

    Hi, everyone!  I hope you can join us for upcoming LearnRT meetings and events!  Please let me know if you have any questions!  Thanks, Amanda

    Tuesday, June 13 - Executive Board meeting at 11am (CT)  - this meeting is to finalize things for ALA

    You can join this meeting from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

    Password: 102880

    One tap mobile:
    +1 646 558 8656,,82660185350#
    +1 646 931 3860,,82660185350#

    Saturday, June 24 - LearnRT Executive Board Meeting - 9am (CT) -  in-person in Chicago (McCormick Place, W177) and via Zoom:

    Join Zoom Meeting

    Meeting ID: 892 7538 9174
    Passcode: 571161
    Dial by your location
            +1 309 205 3325 US
            +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

    Saturday, June 24 - LearnRT President's Program - 10:30am (CT) -   "Work/Life Balance for Library Leaders Who Do It All" with Cindy Fesemyer - McCormick Place, W187a

    Sunday, June 25 - LearnRT Training Showcase - 2:30pm (CT) - McCormick Place W196a - we have 6 people hosting tables to share training ideas!  We'll also have door prizes!  :)

    Amanda Standerfer
    Fast Forward Libraries