LEARNRT Round Table

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LearnRT promotes quality continuing education and staff development for all library personnel. We help you NETWORK with other CE providers for the exchange of ideas, concerns and solutions.

LearnRT serves as your SOURCE for staff development continuing education assistance, publications, materials, training and activities.

LearnRT is your ADVOCATE for quality library staff development and continuing education at both the local and national levels

Learn more about LearnRT on the ALA website.

Now Available: Committee Info Session Recording

  • 1.  Now Available: Committee Info Session Recording

    Posted Sep 16, 2024 11:08 AM

    The Committee Information Session recording is now available. We need YOU to get involved in Learning Round Table! Below, find the recording, slide deck, and FAQ.


    👉 Interested in getting involved? Please complete the volunteer interest form by end-of-day September 20, 2024!


    Recording and Slide Deck

    Watch the recording on YouTube. Download the slide deck.


    Questions & Answers

    Question: What committees are being focused on this year?

    • Membership Engagement
    • Conference Programs
    • Online Learning
    • Pat Carterette Professional Development Grant

    Question: What are the participation requirements for committees?

    • 2-4 hours per month
    • Term ends in June (renewable)
    • No experience required
    • Specific goals will be determined by committee members

    Question: What are the benefits of participating in committees?

    • Networking opportunities
    • Professional development
    • Leadership skill building
    • Looks good on resume/CV

    Question: Does this committee work with other ALA committees?
    Not extensively yet, but there are minor connections with:

    • Library Consultants Interest Group
    • Gaming Round Table They are looking to build more connections in the future.

    Question: Can you give a little bit of history of the Learning Round Table?

    • Previously known as CLENERT (Continuing Library Education Network and Exchange)
    • Has always been related to continual lifelong learning, especially professional development
    • Current name reflects focus on any professional learning in the library context

    Question: How can members participate if they have very limited time?

    • Tasks can be broken into smaller, concrete steps
    • Members can take ownership of specific events or pieces of events
    • Example given: managing communication with panelists for a conference event
    • The Conference Programs committee and Pat Carterette grant committee are good options for those with limited time, as they have more concrete, task-oriented work


    Volunteer Now!

    👉 Interested in getting involved? Please complete the volunteer interest form by end-of-day September 20, 2024!


    We look forward to working with you! Thanks for supporting YOUR Learning Round Table.


    President 2024/25, LearnRT


    Lindsay O'Neill, M.Ed., M.L.I.S.

    Lindsay O'Neill Consulting LLC