The Committee Information Session recording is now available. We need YOU to get involved in Learning Round Table! Below, find the recording, slide deck, and FAQ.
👉 Interested in getting involved? Please complete the volunteer interest form by end-of-day September 20, 2024!
Recording and Slide Deck
Watch the recording on YouTube. Download the slide deck.
Questions & Answers
Question: What committees are being focused on this year?
- Membership Engagement
- Conference Programs
- Online Learning
- Pat Carterette Professional Development Grant
Question: What are the participation requirements for committees?
- 2-4 hours per month
- Term ends in June (renewable)
- No experience required
- Specific goals will be determined by committee members
Question: What are the benefits of participating in committees?
- Networking opportunities
- Professional development
- Leadership skill building
- Looks good on resume/CV
Question: Does this committee work with other ALA committees?
Not extensively yet, but there are minor connections with:
- Library Consultants Interest Group
- Gaming Round Table They are looking to build more connections in the future.
Question: Can you give a little bit of history of the Learning Round Table?
- Previously known as CLENERT (Continuing Library Education Network and Exchange)
- Has always been related to continual lifelong learning, especially professional development
- Current name reflects focus on any professional learning in the library context
Question: How can members participate if they have very limited time?
- Tasks can be broken into smaller, concrete steps
- Members can take ownership of specific events or pieces of events
- Example given: managing communication with panelists for a conference event
- The Conference Programs committee and Pat Carterette grant committee are good options for those with limited time, as they have more concrete, task-oriented work
Volunteer Now!
👉 Interested in getting involved? Please complete the volunteer interest form by end-of-day September 20, 2024!
We look forward to working with you! Thanks for supporting YOUR Learning Round Table.
President 2024/25, LearnRT
Lindsay O'Neill, M.Ed., M.L.I.S.
Lindsay O'Neill Consulting LLC