LEARNRT Round Table

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LearnRT promotes quality continuing education and staff development for all library personnel. We help you NETWORK with other CE providers for the exchange of ideas, concerns and solutions.

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  • 1.  Call for Interest

    Posted Jul 13, 2022 01:45 PM

    We are pleased to announce this call for expressions of interest to host the "Privacy and Library Learning Analytics" workshop. The "Privacy and Library Learning Analytics" workshop is an offering of Prioritizing Privacy, a multi-faceted continuing education program to train United States academic library practitioners to comprehensively address privacy and other related ethical implications of learning analytics projects. Prioritizing Privacy is funded by an IMLS National Leadership Grant and more information is available on the project website  (https://prioritizingprivacy.org/).

    The workshop will guide participants in exploring learning analytics, privacy theory, privacy-by-design principles, and research ethics. Participants will work with the "Privacy Sourcebook" to document their learning and guide their practice after the workshop. The workshop format is interactive and applied.

    The hosted workshop is in-person for an academic library consortium or as a supplement to a library professional conference in 2022-2024. The workshop is a half-day in length and each offering can accommodate up to 25 participants. Each workshop will be presented by Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe and/or Kyle Jones, as schedules allow. At least six host organizations will be selected.

    Previous participants in Prioritizing Privacy trainings have said:

      *   Content was excellent.
      *   I have a concrete product from the course that I can use to keep moving forward.
      *   The Privacy Sourcebook as a reflection and next steps tool was extremely valuable for me.
      *   Both of the instructors are experts and I thought they explained something complicated like LA [learning analytics] in a way that is accessible to a wide variety of audiences.

    Host organizations will be responsible for recruiting individual academic library participants in the workshop and arranging for registration, training space, and other logistical considerations. Host institutions or organizations will not be charged for instructor expenses or materials as these are covered by the IMLS grant. Similarly, participants should not be charged for attendance.

    Host organizations will need to need to confirm that they:

      *   Serve a United States academic library community.
      *   Will host the workshop without charging a fee to participants.
      *   Will arrange for registration (up to 25 participants), training space (participants seated in small groups and podium with projector and screen for workshop facilitator), and other logistical considerations.

    Host organizations will also need to:

      *   Identify a single point person who can represent the organization in discussions about the expression of interest.
      *   Provide information about whether the expression of interest is for a stand-alone workshop and provide potential dates and/or for a workshop attached to another event and the proposed dates.

    To apply for this free opportunity, fill out the application to express interest: https://iu.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8e1f1GU0iHdZeZw.

    Please submit by August 15, 2022 for best consideration. Applications will be reviewed beginning August 16, 2022 and then on a rolling basis going forward. If you have any questions about this project or the application to host the workshop, please contact Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, PI (ljanicke@illinois.edu) or Kyle Jones, Co-PI (kmlj@iupui.edu).

    Amanda Standerfer
    Fast Forward Libraries