LEARNRT Round Table

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LearnRT promotes quality continuing education and staff development for all library personnel. We help you NETWORK with other CE providers for the exchange of ideas, concerns and solutions.

LearnRT serves as your SOURCE for staff development continuing education assistance, publications, materials, training and activities.

LearnRT is your ADVOCATE for quality library staff development and continuing education at both the local and national levels

Learn more about LearnRT on the ALA website.

Call for Presentation Proposals

  • 1.  Call for Presentation Proposals

    Posted Jul 31, 2015 09:13 AM

    Submission Deadline: August 21
    Notification of Presentation Approval: September 21
    Fill out Form here: https://www.conferenceabstracts.com/cfp2/login.asp?EventKey=JAHYLUKY
    The Learning Round Table of the American Library Association is seeking proposals for conference programs at the 2016 ALA Annual Conference in Orlando (FL), June 23-28, 2016. The 60-90 minute program should focus on some relevant aspect of staff training and development. Although not limited to these areas, topics of interest include:
    ●    Training Design & Development
    ●    Learning Management Systems
    ●    Leadership Development
    ●    Supervisory Training
    ●    E-Learning
    ●    Staff Development Plans
    ●    Mentoring Programs
    ●    Successful Staff Training Programs
    ●    Training Best Practices

    Presentations will be evaluated according to the following:
    ●    Useful / practical learning objectives
    ●    Relevance
    ●    Originality
    ●    Content
    ●    Interactive elements
    Deadline: Fill out the form by 5pm (PDT) on August 21.

    Proposals must include the following:
    ●    Brief program description
    ●    Long program description
    ●    Learning Objectives
    ●    Preferred days/times: Saturday or Monday only
    Please Note: Speakers will be responsible for registering for the conference and arranging their own travel and lodging.
    For any additional questions, send an email to:
    Crystal Schimpf: crystal@kixal.com
    Training Consultant
    Kixal, LLC

    John Butler: john_butler2@verizon.net
    Librarian and Manager of the Reference Dept.
    Jersey City Public Library

    Cheryl Wright: cwright@indypl.org
    Manager, Organizational Learning and Development
    The Indianapolis Public Library