LEARNRT Round Table

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LearnRT promotes quality continuing education and staff development for all library personnel. We help you NETWORK with other CE providers for the exchange of ideas, concerns and solutions.

LearnRT serves as your SOURCE for staff development continuing education assistance, publications, materials, training and activities.

LearnRT is your ADVOCATE for quality library staff development and continuing education at both the local and national levels

Learn more about LearnRT on the ALA website.

  • 1.  Staff procedure for submitting conference presentation proposals

    Posted Aug 05, 2019 10:05 AM
    In the library system (public library) I work in we have an informal process in place for submitting proposals via a shared document. This allows Training & Development, as well as our directors, to guide staff through the process.  The library system I work in has policies and procedures in place for attending conferences/workshops. 

    However, we recently we had a situation arise. Our directors would like a more formal procedure in place for submitting conference proposals.   

    Does anyone have procedures in place for staff staff members interested in submitting a conference proposals for local or national conferences? Would you mind sharing if you do?

    It seems a delicate balance between an individual participating in something that they are personally a member of and an organization saying you are approved/not approved to submit a proposal. I am leaning towards language that says if a topic is approved by the library system than all costs and prep time are covered.

    Cassandra Collucci
    Training Manager
    Somerset County Library System

  • 2.  RE: Staff procedure for submitting conference presentation proposals

    Posted Sep 23, 2019 09:29 AM
    I would love to know if others have a process like this.  It is hard to budget for this.

    Cheryl Wright
    Manager, Organizational Learning and Development
    The Indianapolis Public Library

  • 3.  RE: Staff procedure for submitting conference presentation proposals

    Posted Sep 24, 2019 07:57 AM
    I can give an update on how we are now handling the situation.  We needed to review our policy and procedures because some information was hidden away  under our travel information and staff wouldn't necessarily know to look in that location for direction. 

    We now send out a call to submit proposals for conferences. All proposed conference presentation topics are added to a shared Google Doc with a template guide for information needed by national and state conferences.  Other staff members are able to see what their colleagues are submitting and can chime in if they would like to contribute in some way.  Some staff submit more than 1 topic so a member of our management group will get back to the submitter to discuss what topic might be more likely to get selected. 
    Then I am able to see who is submitting and I can review the Continuing Education budget to make sure I am requesting enough money to cover conference attendance and travel. 

    Our policy (with some updates) states: 

    Participation in Continuing Education Programs
    Employees are expected to get approval from their supervisor and from the Management Team member designated in SCLSNJ procedures before:
    • Signing up for local, regional, state or national training programs and workshops
    • Agreeing to serve on the committee of a local, regional, state or national work-related organization
    • Signing up for an out-of-state workshop or conference
    • Making a commitment to serve on the Board of any work-related organization
    • Agreeing to run for elected office in any work-related organization
    • Submitting a proposal to provide conference program or workshop content, or agreeing to participate in conference program presentation
    At times public desk schedules, workflow requirements and/or the need to provide opportunities to as many staff as possible may justify a supervisor turning down a request for an employee to participate in a learning opportunity.

    Compensation and Travel Reimbursement
    Employees who are given approval to attend a continuing education program may do so on work time. Employees who attend continuing education programs that are not approved or work-related may do so with the written approval of the Director of Operations or Director of Public Services outside of their regular working hours or by using paid leave.

    Cassandra Collucci
    Training Manager
    Somerset County Library System