LEARNRT Round Table

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LearnRT promotes quality continuing education and staff development for all library personnel. We help you NETWORK with other CE providers for the exchange of ideas, concerns and solutions.

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Management/Leadership Training

  • 1.  Management/Leadership Training

    Posted Jan 24, 2020 11:32 AM
    Hi Staff Development Experts,

    I'm looking to develop curriculum for my library around Management and/or Leadership Training. Both training that can be used as continuing education for current managers and training that can cover basics for new managers or even people that aspire to become managers. Does your Library have anything already put together that I could draw from? Or are there any resources that you like that you can steer me towards?

    I'd like to find out what's out there before I attempt to re-invent the wheel on my own.

    Thanks for any help in advance. And yes I'm happy to share the final product with anyone interested when it's done.

    Patrick Hoecherl
    Staff Development Coordinator
    Salt Lake City Public Library

  • 2.  RE: Management/Leadership Training

    Posted Jan 24, 2020 08:41 PM
    We are actually just creating Managers training at IndyPL.  I would be happy to share our outline once it is created.

    Cheryl Wright
    Manager, Organizational Learning and Development
    Chair, Learning Roundtable of ALA

  • 3.  RE: Management/Leadership Training

    Posted Jan 25, 2020 06:35 PM
    I can share the topics and some facilitator notes from our managerial development sessions. We are modifying it moving forward but we will be keeping some components. 

  • 4.  RE: Management/Leadership Training

    Posted Jan 27, 2020 03:36 PM
    I would love to see that. Thanks Cassandra!

    Patrick Hoecherl
    Staff Development Coordinator
    Salt Lake City Public Library

  • 5.  RE: Management/Leadership Training

    Posted Jan 27, 2020 03:35 PM
    Thanks Cheryl, I would love to see your outline when it's ready.

    Patrick Hoecherl
    Staff Development Coordinator
    Salt Lake City Public Library

  • 6.  RE: Management/Leadership Training

    Posted Jan 25, 2020 07:39 PM
    LearnRT has a workgroup that has produced some new manager training modules on webjunction. Two of these are up (On Managing Conflict and Encouraging Motivation) and one should be up soon (on Performance Management). We just finished the Performance Management one recently. I hope they're helpful!

    Daniel Wilson
    Director of Library & Learning Services
    American InterContinental University

  • 7.  RE: Management/Leadership Training

    Posted Jan 27, 2020 01:30 PM
    Edited by Kim Bishop Jan 27, 2020 01:30 PM
    We completed an Emerging Library Leadership Academy last year and are planning to repeat it in 2021.  Reviews from participants and instructors were very positive. I was not one of the leads on the projects, but could put you in contact with them, if requested. We collaborated with a local community college, as well as brought in a couple of consultants for specific sections of the training. It was supplemented by monthly reading assignments and quizzes posted on our LMS.
    For 2020, we will be hosting a series of three 2-3 hour workshops:
    • So You Want to Be a Librarian?  (panel of DML librarians share their journey into librarianship, what their daily jobs are like, and field questions)
    • Information on Getting Your MLS (panel of DML staff members at various stages of the process share experiences in applying, scholarships and aid, and getting through the program)
    • What's It Like to Be a Manager? (panel of DML managers share their journey into management, what their daily jobs are like, and field your questions on their positions)
    • Considering the Emerging Librarian Leadership Academy (ELLA) (Learn about the classes, collegiality and commitment of ELLA class of 2021)

    I also recommend reaching out to the Public Library Association about their leadership development initiatives such as the PLA Leadership Academy PLAAcademy@ala.org   Some of the past mentors would probably be willing to share information about the program and/or provide recommendations for library leadership development.

    Kimberly Bishop
    Staff Development Manager
    Dayton Metro Library

  • 8.  RE: Management/Leadership Training

    Posted Jan 27, 2020 03:43 PM

    Yes please do connect me with the folks at your library who ran the leadership academy. It would be great to see an outline of what was covered.
    Thank you!

    Patrick Hoecherl
    Staff Development Coordinator
    Salt Lake City Public Library

  • 9.  RE: Management/Leadership Training

    Posted Feb 11, 2020 03:56 PM
      |   view attached
    Hi Patrick,
    I was able to get a hold of a draft outline from 2018.  It has most of the nuts & bolts information that we covered.  We did hire a consultant to assist us, and different managers have taken ownership of each module.  Since it was proving difficult to get all of this together, I am just sending you this outline.  Let me know if you have questions about any specific sections or topics, and I'll see what I can do to get you more info.

    Kim Bishop
    Staff Development Manager
    Dayton Metro Library (OH)
    p: 937-496-8671

  • 10.  RE: Management/Leadership Training

    Posted Feb 12, 2020 08:46 AM
    Kim, let me know how your 2020 classes go.  I love the topics and the idea of current staff sharing their experiences and what they do.  What a great way to learn!

    Cheryl Wright
    Manager, Organizational Learning and Development
    Chair, Learning Roundtable of ALA

  • 11.  RE: Management/Leadership Training

    Posted Jan 27, 2020 03:38 PM
    Thanks Daniel! Those are both great modules (I'll admit to being particularly fond of Managing Conflict, because I contributed). I'm looking forward to checking out the Performance Management Module once it's complete.

    Patrick Hoecherl
    Staff Development Coordinator
    Salt Lake City Public Library