LEARNRT Round Table

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last person joined: 5 days ago 

LearnRT promotes quality continuing education and staff development for all library personnel. We help you NETWORK with other CE providers for the exchange of ideas, concerns and solutions.

LearnRT serves as your SOURCE for staff development continuing education assistance, publications, materials, training and activities.

LearnRT is your ADVOCATE for quality library staff development and continuing education at both the local and national levels

Learn more about LearnRT on the ALA website.

Get involved with LRT: Committee Volunteers still needed!

  • 1.  Get involved with LRT: Committee Volunteers still needed!

    Posted Jun 06, 2018 04:16 PM

    Hello LRT membership,

     Are you looking for a way to become more involved with the library community as a whole? Becoming a committee member for LRT is a perfect way to do this. Working with other committee members gives you insight into the possibilities of what can happen back at your home institution.  Networking is one of the greatest assets that committee work can bring, knowing that you can call fellow members of your committee to get another perspective. Participating on a committee is another way to advocate for your attendance at ALA Annual & Mid-Winter.

     We are looking for new committee members with terms beginning in July of 2018.  Ready to start on a committee? Fill out the volunteer form found on this page (after committee listings) or send an email to info@alalearning.org. Thank you for making the choice to serve and better LRT!

     Committees Looking for Members

     Communication and Marketing Committee: The Communications and Marketing Committee prepares informational materials about LearnRT and promotes LearnRT in a variety of media, including email, social media and the LearnRT website. The Communication and Marketing Committee works closely with the Membership Committee.

     Conference Programs Committee: The Conference Programs Committee works to coordinate and execute dynamic programs for ALA conferences. To serve on this committee, attendance at the ALA Annual Conference is preferred.

     Emerging Leaders Committee: The LearnRT Emerging Leaders committee is responsible for coordinating with the ALA Emerging Leaders program and Emerging Leaders chosen and sponsored through the Learning Round Table. This includes creating and acting as liaison to a sponsored project to be worked on by the Emerging Leaders as well as coordinating selection of and connection with LearnRT's sponsored Emerging Leader each year. 

    Handbook Committee: The LearnRT Handbook Committee is responsible with drafting and maintaining a handbook outlining LearnRT projects, roles and responsibilities of board officers and committee chair, and other pertinent planning information.

    Membership Committee: The LearnRT Membership Committee strives to connect with its membership and recruit new members to our round table.  The Membership Committee works closely with the Communication and Marketing Committee.

    Nominations Committee: The Nominations committee secures and prepares a slate of candidates for Learning Round Table's annual election, and announces election results.

    Pat Carterette Professional Development Grant Committee: The Pat Carterette Professional Development Grant committee is responsible for promoting this grant opportunity, receiving and reviewing grant applications, and selecting a recipient for the grant award.

    Supervisor Success Symposium Committee: The Supervisor Success Symposium Committee coordinates professional development activities around the topic of supervisory training, a special initiative of the Learning Round Table.

    For those heading to New Orleans later this month, I look forward to seeing you all!

    Angela Glowcheski

    Learning Round Table, ALA

    Executive Board / Vice President

    Angela Glowcheski
    Assistant Director
    Sequoyah Regional Library System