As I write this, GODORT currently does not have any nominees for Chair-Elect, Publications Chair-Elect or Treasurer. I would like to encourage each of you to consider running for one of these offices and helping GODORT continue into the future. We are facing some difficult years when it comes to information transparency and the federal government, and GODORT needs to be a strong voice at ALA in support of intellectual freedom and the continued flow of government information.
Without leadership in these roles, GODORT will struggle to maintain momentum on the efforts we have made. So I am urging you to put your name up for consideration for these roles.
The link for self-nomination is here https://nom.election-america.com/ALAElections/SSOLogin
Please consider this service to GODORT, we need your help and leadership today.
Ben Aldred, Past-Chair
Benjamin Aldred
Associate Professor and Reference Librarian
University of Illinois Chicago