GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)

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The mission of the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) is to (1) To provide a forum for discussion of problems, concerns, and for exchange of ideas by librarians working with government documents; (2) to provide a force for initiating and supporting programs to increase availability, use, and bibliographic control of documents; (3) to increase communication between documents librarians and other librarians; (4) to contribute to the extension and improvement of education and training of documents librarians.

Learn more about GODORT on the ALA website.

Help! Webinar - Reporting on the World of Government Information - October 18, 2023

  • 1.  Help! Webinar - Reporting on the World of Government Information - October 18, 2023

    Posted Oct 10, 2023 02:05 PM

    Hello GODORT! 

    Register today for the next Help! I'm an Accidental Government Information Librarian on October 18, 2023 from 3:00-4:00 pm Eastern

    The 2021 IFLA Professional Report, "Government Information Landscape and Libraries," https://repository.ifla.org/handle/123456789/842  recently received the Margaret T. Lane/Virginia F. Saunders Memorial Research Award from ALA GODORT. This webinar will feature the editors of the report, published by the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) and coordinated by the Government Information and Official Publications Section (GIOPS)

    The report  "illustrates the challenges and complexities posed by [international] government publishing systems and the need to maintain professional government information expertise in libraries to help users…" The editors of this report will discuss the content of the report, lessons learned during the editing and publication of this report, and what it's like to be a member of IFLA GIOPS

    Our speakers are the editors of the report - Jim Church (Librarian for Economics, Global Studies, Political Economy and International Government Information, University of California, Berkeley), Kay Cassell (Professor Emerita of Library and Information Science, Rutgers University) and Kate Tallman (Assistant Professor and Interim Director of Rare & Distinctive Collections, University of Colorado Boulder) 

    Registration Link: https://ala-events.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TMcyyB5VRFKD-wZjHxM3qA 

    We hope to see you there!

    Kate Tallman
    Interim Faculty Director, Rare & Distinctive Collections
    University of Colorado-Boulder