**please excuse cross-posting**
@godort_ala on Instagram
GODORT is now on Instagram: https://instagram.com/godort_ala! Follow us at @godort_ala to stay engaged with information professionals learning, discussing, advocating, and creating scholarship on and about government information at all levels of government (local, state, national, international).
December 2023 Social Media Content
The GODORT Social Media and Outreach Committee solicits content/suggestions on a monthly basis for https://www.facebook.com/GODORT, https://twitter.com/godort, and now https://instagram.com/godort_ala. Although we follow deadlines, anyone is free to email content/suggestions at any time.
If you have content/suggestions for December 2023, please email godortsocialmedia@gmail.com by EOB Monday, December 4th for guaranteed posting. Also let us know if you have a preferred posting date. Our social media accounts are great communication channels for highlighting government information-related events/programs/projects at your respective libraries/workplaces-it doesn't have to be directly tied to GODORT!
Ben Chiewphasa
Social Sciences and Policy Librarian
Columbia University