Register today for the next Help! I'm an Accidental Government Information Librarian Webinar on August 29, 2023 from 2:00pm to 3:00pm Eastern
This webinar will feature Tips for Navigating Spatial Data Resources with Kevin Dyke from MAGIRT. Spatial data (including paper and digital maps as well as GIS datasets) are a common product of governmental agencies, and as such frequently find a home in library collections. The distinct form factor and subject matter of maps makes them a valuable resource for all kinds of users, but at the same time complicates storage and discovery. In this webinar, we will explore some innovative approaches to handling spatial data and making it accessible, both in person and online.
Kevin Dyke is Maps and Spatial Data Curator at Edmon Low Library. His responsibilities include stewarding the library's physical map and aerial photograph collection, managing the digitization and preservation of the collection, and making the collection more accessible and relevant to members of the Oklahoma State University community and the public. Originally trained as a geographer, Dyke is also an experienced user and developer of GIS software.
Registration Link: https://ala-events.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TB6XPsRGQR6pm3jDPjULvQ
We hope to see you there!
Help! Webinar Committee
Kate Tallman
Interim Faculty Director, Rare & Distinctive Collections
University of Colorado-Boulder