GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)

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The mission of the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) is to (1) To provide a forum for discussion of problems, concerns, and for exchange of ideas by librarians working with government documents; (2) to provide a force for initiating and supporting programs to increase availability, use, and bibliographic control of documents; (3) to increase communication between documents librarians and other librarians; (4) to contribute to the extension and improvement of education and training of documents librarians.

Learn more about GODORT on the ALA website.

GODORT Update: Need Data – but don’t know where to go?

  • 1.  GODORT Update: Need Data – but don’t know where to go?

    Posted Jul 06, 2009 09:29 AM

    GODORT Update         

    Saturday, July 11, 2009

    10:30 – 12:00 p.m. – PALM Crystal Room


    Need Data – but don’t know where to go? 

    Librarians are always helping patrons with questions that require statistics and data on the population, agriculture, international issue, health and the list goes on. There are so many sources for data it can be overwhelming. We’ve gathered three organizations together to highlight how they gather data and statistical information in such a way that public can use it (and librarians can find it for them) and why it is important for patrons’ research.

    Amy West, a librarian from University of Minnesota, will set the stage for why data and government information are integral components. Kathleen Murphy, a librarian from Northwestern University Library, will discuss the sudden trendiness of government data in tech circles and the implications for the kinds of documentation we might see going forward. Paul LaPorte, an economist with the U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, will discuss the surveys behind the numbers for employment, unemployment and inflation. He will also mention Google’s site and the BLS data that is available on it.

     Hope to see you there!