GODORT will be kicking off its membership drive with an in-person meeting at the 2018 Depository Library Council Meeting and Federal Depository Library Conference. The GODORT meeting will be on Monday, October 22nd at 6:30PM in the Jackson Room at the Doubletree Hotel. During our hour-long meeting, we will discuss the benefits of being a GODORT member and the future of GODORT itself, then adjourn to the bar/lounge in the hotel lobby to socialize. Whether you are a current or potential GODORT member, everyone is welcome – come join the discussion!
For more information about GODORT, visit our NEW website: http://www.ala.org/rt/godort.
Please join us on the 22nd – GODORT wants YOU to tell us what YOU want from GODORT!
Hallie Pritchett
GODORT Chair 2018/19