I have it on good authority that FY2016 Legislative Appropriations bill in the House Appropriations Committee is going to be marked up TOMORROW. This will include funding (or not!) for Library of Congress and Govt Publishing Office. The draft bill is especially worrisome in that it has a big cut for FDsys funding. Please contact your Representative (especially if they’re on House Appropriations, House Administration, or Senate Appropriations), and let them know that funding for GPO, FDsys and LC are critical to the mission of libraries and free public access to government information to citizens! Here's
more information including text of the bill.
James Jacobs
GODORT Legislation Committee member (posting on behalf of Bernadine Abbott Hoduski, chair of GODORT Legislation Committee)
Chuck Schumer (NY) - current chair of Joint Committee on Printing
Candice Miller (MI), Chairman of the Committee on House Administration
Harold Rogers, (KY), Chairman, House Appropriations (or any other Representative who serves on this committee)
Senator Shelley Moore Capito (WV) - chair, Legislative Branch Subcommittee, Senate Appropriations Committee