2011 ALA Annual GODORT Program: Government Information and Civil Engagement
Monday, June 27, 2011
10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Morial Convention Center – MCC Rm 348
How does the intersection of electronic publishing of government information and the ephemeral nature of social media change collection development and preservation of these 'documents' in libraries? This program will explore the ideas of obligation and stewardship of government information in libraries. Specifically, how should libraries change roles as people change their civic roles? If people are civically engaged through Facebook, Twitter, et al., what is the library's role in providing access? Whose responsibility is it to preserve the YouTube videos of presidential speeches or mayoral addresses? If these questions pique your interest, plan to attend this engaging panel discussion. Panelists include Amy Rudersdorf (State Library of North Carolina), Lori Donovan (Internet Archive) and Rebecca
Troy-Horton (McNeese State University).