GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)

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The mission of the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) is to (1) To provide a forum for discussion of problems, concerns, and for exchange of ideas by librarians working with government documents; (2) to provide a force for initiating and supporting programs to increase availability, use, and bibliographic control of documents; (3) to increase communication between documents librarians and other librarians; (4) to contribute to the extension and improvement of education and training of documents librarians.

Learn more about GODORT on the ALA website.

  • 1.  IDTF Agenda for Annual

    Posted Jun 17, 2016 11:10 AM
      |   view attached

    Please join us at the GODORT IDTF  meeting in Orlando on Saturyda June 25 from 1:00-2:30pm in the ROS Centre, Salon 07/08. 

    Agenda and details follow. In addition to reviewing IDTF 5 year goals and brief vendor updates, we'll be discussing the United Nations Resolution and voting on it. 



     I. Welcome and Introductions

                    a) Assign note taker

     II. Approval of Agenda

    III. Approval of mid-winter minutes

    IV. Update: Brief reports from committee liaisons

    V. Discussion:

    • 5 year Goals

    • Mission Statement

    V. Discussion and vote:

    • Resolution on the Restoration of the United Nations Depository Program

    VI. Update: Brief reports from Vendors/Agencies

    • Bernan

    • IMF

    • OECD

    • World Bank

    • UN Publications

    VII. New Business

    VIII. Adjournment




    IDTFAgenda_June2016.docx   16 KB 1 version