GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)

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The mission of the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) is to (1) To provide a forum for discussion of problems, concerns, and for exchange of ideas by librarians working with government documents; (2) to provide a force for initiating and supporting programs to increase availability, use, and bibliographic control of documents; (3) to increase communication between documents librarians and other librarians; (4) to contribute to the extension and improvement of education and training of documents librarians.

Learn more about GODORT on the ALA website.

  • 1.  Monthly Connect protip: How to organize your Connect library

    Posted Jul 27, 2020 10:03 AM
    Edited by David Sheffieck Jul 28, 2020 08:40 AM
      |   view attached

    Hi everyone,


    As more groups are making the transition from the old Sympa platform into Connect, we're continuing our series of protips with one that's particularly relevant to committees and other groups doing the work of the association. (Click here to read last month's tip, How to use ALA Connect as a listserv)


    Organizing your Library allows you to maintain an archive for future group members, ensuring continuity and smooth transitions as membership changes – and preventing your group's work from getting lost or overlooked! Each group's Community Admins are responsible for maintaining the Library, and each group can decide to organize its files in a way that makes the most sense for its needs. However, suggestions for how to most productively do this are available in the attached one-sheet PDF, which is also summarized below. These guidelines are based on work by Natasha Arguello, past BRASS Chair.


    Here's a snapshot of a Connect group's Library (yours may look slightly different if it's on a different microsite):

    A screenshot of the ALA Connect Library tab

    1. Navigate to the Library tab of your Connect group.
    2. Switch to Folder View by clicking the folder icon, if that's not your group default.
      1. Please note that the Library can default to either "Document" or "Folder" view, but this setting applies on a microsite level. Please contact your staff liaison in order to change your microsite's default setting.
    3. In the left widget, create, rename, and move folders and sub-folders as needed.
    4. In the right widget, add new files or rearrange existing files (including moving them between folders) by using the "cut" and "paste" icons.


    Creating Folder Structure

    • Your filing system can change as your group's needs evolve
    • Suggestions for a generalized "committee" are in the screenshot, but note that all may not apply to your group; you can also use others as needed
    • Start simple and add sub-folders or new folders as needed – avoid burying a single file in multiple sub-folders when it's the only file you're adding to a new Library!


    Suggested Naming Schema

    • YEAR-MO-DAY Descriptive Name (event, location/virtual/phone)
    • A different schema is fine – but consistency is incredibly helpful with archiving
    • Note that dates and locations are available by clicking through to the Library Entry, but it's much quicker to locate files if you put this information directly in the file name


    As always, please let me know if you have any questions.




    David Sheffieck

    Community Engagement Manager

    ALA Offices & Member Relations



    Pronouns: he/him/his


    Please note our new address: 

    American Library Association

    225 N Michigan Ave

    Suite 1300

    Chicago, IL 60601



  • 2.  RE: Monthly Connect protip: How to organize your Connect library

    Posted Jul 28, 2020 08:35 AM
    Hi David, 
    Thank you for this information. Since this is supposed to serve as and archive I have some questions:
    • What file formats are accepted? Are any excluded?
    • Does Connect do anything to verify the stability of the content, such as running checksums?
    • How regularly is the content backed up? 
    • What happens to the content if a) ALA decides to drop Connect for another service? b) If Connect goes out of business or drops the library?
    • Who are the Community Admins? 
    • Who has access to these files/ will this conform to open meeting requirements?
    You may also want to share this information in the disscussion thread that has been going for about a week. Re: ALA retiring all listservs in the near future 

    Thank you!

    Susanne Caro
    Government Information Librarian
    North Dakota State University

  • 3.  RE: Monthly Connect protip: How to organize your Connect library

    Posted Jul 28, 2020 03:12 PM

    Hi Susanne,


    These are great questions, thank you! I'm following up with our IT team to fill in some of the technical answers I don't have, and should be able to get back to you on these by the end of the week. I'll also definitely cross-post to the other discussion thread at that point; thank you for the suggestion!


    If anyone else has questions about Connect libraries, please feel free to post here in the meantime.




    David Sheffieck

    Community Engagement Manager

    ALA Offices & Member Relations



    Pronouns: he/him/his


    Please note our new address: 

    American Library Association

    225 N Michigan Ave

    Suite 1300

    Chicago, IL 60601


  • 4.  RE: Monthly Connect protip: How to organize your Connect library

    Posted Jul 30, 2020 09:50 AM

    Hi Susanne,

    Thanks for your patience while I followed up with our IT team on these. Answers below:

    • You can view the full list of file formats the Library supports on the FAQ page; the short answer is that it's more than 70, and file sizes can be up to 1 GB.
    • Our vendor (Higher Logic) does not use a file integrity/verification system.
    • All content in Connect is backed up daily by our vendor and retained for 30 days. The Higher Logic database (which contains all group content and profile/account info) syncs every 20 minutes. Our internal database (which just syncs profile/account info like contact details at present) is backed up every 60 minutes.
    • If we move from the current Connect platform to another service, we will preserve files and discussion content for future use by following the same archiving/migration process that we did when we moved from the previous platform to this one.
    • We can request a full site archive at any time (for a fee), which would allow us to preserve the library and other content if the vendor goes out of business.
    • Community Admins are set on the individual group level, but generally include both member leaders and staff liaisons for each group. If your group needs additional Community Admins, your staff liaison can create them (or let me know and I will.)
    • Library view permissions, like the discussion view permissions, are controlled on a group level. They can be set up to be as open as the group needs them. To quote the Core update about the migration, "Whether non-members can participate is a policy decision".

    Thanks as well for suggesting that these answers be cross-posted to the other thread; I'll add them in when I reply there later today.

    David Sheffieck
    Community Engagement Manager
    American Library Association