GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)

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The mission of the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) is to (1) To provide a forum for discussion of problems, concerns, and for exchange of ideas by librarians working with government documents; (2) to provide a force for initiating and supporting programs to increase availability, use, and bibliographic control of documents; (3) to increase communication between documents librarians and other librarians; (4) to contribute to the extension and improvement of education and training of documents librarians.

Learn more about GODORT on the ALA website.

GODORT Education Committee meeting agenda

  • 1.  GODORT Education Committee meeting agenda

    Posted Jun 23, 2018 08:56 AM


    GODORT Education Committee

    ALA 2018 Annual

    June 23, 2018, 10:30-11:30 a.m.

    MCC 394

    1. Appointment of Secretary
    2. Approval of agenda
    3. Approval of minutes of February 10, 2018 meeting
    4. Program proposal for ALA 2019

    Background: Emerging Leaders Update & Discussion (summarized from the minutes of the April 26, 2018 Steering Committee meeting):

    Kenya Flash, Librarian for Political Science, Global Affairs, and Government Information at Yale University Library, is GODORT's emerging leader. She met with Shari at Midwinter and they discusses the idea of developing a program proposal for the juried review process, co-sponsored with SSRT, on 2020 Census data. Bill Sudduth suggested Chuck Todd from Meet the Press or Charlie Cook of the Cook Report as two high-profile speaker possibilities for the 2020 Census program.

    Kenya applied to be an emerging leader because of the possible project work; one idea is an electronic toolkit for community work and government information, similar to one the University of Memphis Library has developed. There was also a project proposal from Bill Sudduth: Where does government information fit into a 21st century ALA?  The deadline to submit a project proposal is this fall, and requires us to designate someone to be a regular point of contact. The project begins at Midwinter and ends at Annual. Perhaps the Education Committee can oversee the project and work with Shari, and Kenya. The fact that Kenya is involved with the proposal development will help ensure its usefulness for GODORT. Previous projects can be viewed at http://www.ala.org/educationcareers/leadership/emergingleaders/elapply

    Part of our sponsorship of the Emerging Leader is to simply get Emerging Leaders interested in the different roundtables, especially since some know little or nothing about GODORT.

    (from Emerging Leaders web page) Criteria for a successful proposal include :

    -     the work can be accomplished within the six-month time frame of the program,

    -     the project will contribute to the development of the leadership capacities of the participants, and

    -     it will make a demonstrable impact on a strategic direction or goal of ALA or your unit.

    Each Emerging Leader participant is given the project descriptions. They then rank order the projects that they most want to work on.  Each participant is placed on a team based on his choices. We try to give each participant his first or second choice.

    NOTE:  If there are not at least three (3) people willing to work on any given project, it will not be assigned.

    If selected, your project will be assigned to a team of approximately 5 Emerging Leaders who will be expected to accomplish the work between the ALA  Midwinter and Annual conferences. If your unit has sponsored an Emerging Leader and your project proposal is accepted, that person may be assigned to your project.

    To be decided: Is Education willing to work with an ad-hoc group including Shari and Kenya to develop a project proposal and coordinate the project? Are there volunteers to help with putting the proposal together and someone willing to be the coordinator?

    5. Government Information Online governance

    6. Background: the Education Committee is now coordinating the GIO project. What kind of governance model should we adopt?

    7. Web site migration

    8. Government information courses in LIS programs and continuing education

    Gwen Sinclair
    University of Hawaii At Manoa