GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)

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The mission of the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) is to (1) To provide a forum for discussion of problems, concerns, and for exchange of ideas by librarians working with government documents; (2) to provide a force for initiating and supporting programs to increase availability, use, and bibliographic control of documents; (3) to increase communication between documents librarians and other librarians; (4) to contribute to the extension and improvement of education and training of documents librarians.

Learn more about GODORT on the ALA website.

  • 1.  asap. GODORT response to CIA protest?

    Posted Jul 03, 2019 10:43 AM
    Hi all,

    As you may know, ALA members unsucessfully tried to ban the CIA booth from the ALA Annual Conference exhibition hall, staged a well-publicized protest at the CIA booth, and submitted a condemnation resolution, which lost by a single vote.

    It's astonishing, because they were from the CIA LIBRARY, advertising job opportunities, and how to find information. Yes, so-called champions of information access, democracy, free speech, and library funding protested and bullied those who provide it. Big ALA did not clarify this, nor stand up for Gov Info librarians like myself, who not only depend on the information, but trust and support of agency librarians.

    I believe GODORT (perhaps with the other Gov Doc Round Tables) should make a strong statement, not just to educate ALA/librarians, but to show GODORT's appreciation and support for Gov librarians/libraries. Maybe we should demand ALA issue a public statement raising awareness of, and affirming the importance of government libraries & gov docs. It may be also an opportunity to demonstate the need for Gov Info competencies, and ensuring a Gov Doc librarian sit on Council.

    I'd like to hear especially from people who aren't on steering/committees.

    All good things,
    Rachel Dobkin
    NY NY

    Rachel Dobkin
    Government Information Reference Specialist

  • 2.  RE: asap. GODORT response to CIA protest?

    Posted Jul 03, 2019 06:41 PM
    Edited by Nicole Gauvreau Jul 03, 2019 09:13 PM

    I am certainly not against a statement on the importance of government documents, libraries, and librarians.

    However, the people at the CIA booth were not only advertising job opportunities with the library, but also other ones where the CIA recruits people with a background in library science (Information and Data Management Officer, Open Source Collection Officer, and Open Source Exploitation Officer positions); I can understand the upset over advertising those jobs at ALA as two of those jobs do not lead to openness of information (Info and Data Management does deal with declassification and public release) and all three arguably largely help the CIA with operations that may be considered ethically questionable at the very least.

    Nicole Gauvreau

  • 3.  RE: asap. GODORT response to CIA protest?

    Posted Jul 03, 2019 06:57 PM

    Thanks for posting this clarification, Rachel.  I only saw a photo of the protest and I heard a bit about it but nothing explaining either side.  I was not certain why the protest took place.  What was the rationale for organizing the protest?  Did anyone know the underlying rationale?

    I really liked seeing the CIA librarians there.  When I visited the booth, I learned some information about the CIA but they were surprised that I knew about the CIA Vault and other parts of their web site.  They had some good stuff to give out too!

    I agree with your proposal for GODORT to send a message to ALA Executive Board and ALA Council to showing more respect and being more welcoming to our fellow federal librarians.  I also think they should have clarified to the protestors that these are fellow librarians.


    Aimée C. Quinn
    Government Publications Librarian
    James E. Brooks Library, Federal Depository 0649-A
    400 E. University Way

  • 4.  RE: asap. GODORT response to CIA protest?

    Posted Jul 05, 2019 12:49 PM
    Speaking only on behalf of myself, and not commenting either pro or con on the CIA, I think it's important to remember that the ALA exhibits are geared towards adults with (hopefully) advanced information evaluation skills.  We should be able to use our own skills to evaluate any information provided, or to decide which booths to visit.

    I have no issues with civil protest, a core right in this country, although I'm guessing it might not be tremendously effective in this case. That said, I firmly believe that information is a good thing, and if I'd been able to attend the conference, would likely have stopped by this booth to find out what information they were providing. They are part of the information landscape, and like it or not, when doing research on related topics, it's probably a good idea to be aware of what information they have available and how to access it.

    Freya Anderson


  • 5.  RE: asap. GODORT response to CIA protest?

    Posted Jul 05, 2019 07:26 AM
    Hi all, 
    I spoke with a few of those involved with both the protest and the resolution. They seem to have felt justified in lumping the CIA Library under the umbrella of the CIA. My understanding of their focus was that the protestors and movers are against all [illegal, immoral, questionable, etc.] actions of the CIA operations arm, which from my understanding of their view tarnishes the entire institution, and also oppose operations directorate actions that contravene numerous library ideals, hence the protest and the resolution.
    LITA Councilor (outgoing)
    Small Roundtables Councilor (incoming)

  • 6.  RE: asap. GODORT response to CIA protest?

    Posted Jul 05, 2019 11:51 AM
    Thanks to everyone for sharing observations and insight on the CIA @ALA AC19 protest and resolution. I had to leave Saturday's Membership Meeting before this resolution came forward - if someone could re-post the total votes/#for/#against, that would be appreciated. 

    I am a sitting Councilor at Large with 30+ continuous years as a GODORT member (and there are additional GODORT members on Council).

    As an academic librarian for government information, I was pleased to have access to so many federal agency experts at this year's AC exhibits. I made it a point to thank them all for exhibiting. Exposure to new services, tools and information resources (including those with alternate viewpoints) is the whole point of exhibits, IMHO. 

    Linda Kopecky

    [from my phone; please excuse typos.]

    Linda Kopecky
    Head, Research Services
    University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries

  • 7.  RE: asap. GODORT response to CIA protest?

    Posted Jul 05, 2019 11:57 AM
    Wouldn't a response be more appropriate from the Association of Specialized Government and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASGCLA), since they specifically represent federal librarians, than from GODORT?

    Just a thought.

    Jennifer Manning
    Senior Research Librarian
    Congressional Research Service

  • 8.  RE: asap. GODORT response to CIA protest?

    Posted Jul 05, 2019 01:40 PM
    I contacted the ASGCLA liaison to GODORT to find out what their feelings are on this issue. I think it would be appropriate for GODORT to support federal librarians, since we work with, and some of us are federal librarians.

    Susanne Caro
    Government Documents Librarian
    North Dakota State University

  • 9.  RE: asap. GODORT response to CIA protest?

    Posted Jul 09, 2019 02:18 PM

    There is an article and the text of the resolution from Library Journal.

    Susanne Caro
    Government Documents Librarian
    North Dakota State University