GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)

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The mission of the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) is to (1) To provide a forum for discussion of problems, concerns, and for exchange of ideas by librarians working with government documents; (2) to provide a force for initiating and supporting programs to increase availability, use, and bibliographic control of documents; (3) to increase communication between documents librarians and other librarians; (4) to contribute to the extension and improvement of education and training of documents librarians.

Learn more about GODORT on the ALA website.

  • 1.  Missing Hearings?

    Posted Oct 09, 2019 03:19 PM
    Hi All,

    I was recently trying to find testimony from a congressional hearing on this bill:  https://www.congress.gov/bill/111th-congress/house-bill/5009

    The Congress.gov website notes that a subcommittee hearing was held on 6/10/2010, but there is no link and there seems to be no record of this hearing on govinfo.gov, HeinOnline, the Subcommittee website or anyplace else. 

    In the end I had to use the Wayback machine to find copies of the testimony.  

    I would like to know, is this a common problem?  Is there someplace else I should have looked  that I didn't think of looking? What can/should librarians do about missing hearings? 


    Amy Brunvand
    Associate Librarian
    University of Utah

  • 2.  RE: Missing Hearings?

    Posted Oct 22, 2019 07:29 PM
    Hi Amy,

    Report it to FDLP Outreach so the hearing will get into the depository system.  There was a hearing and it has been referenced in the Congressional Record as well as in several books.  Testimony in another hearing also references it (see uploaded files).

    It is not unknown for committees to not send GPO their hearings to send along to the FDLP for inclusion in their program or not to even publish them.  They become fugitive documents.  That is why it is good to report them to the GPO staff so they get included.

    Thanks for the question. All the best,

    Aimée C. Quinn
    Government Publications Librarian
    Central Washington University