2018 (ALSC / REFORMA) Belpre Award Selection (Association for Library Service to Children)

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2020 (ALSC / REFORMA) Belpre Award Selection (Association for Library Service to Children)

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Belpré Award Selection Committee February 2023 Quarterly Report

  • 1.  Belpré Award Selection Committee February 2023 Quarterly Report

    Posted Mar 01, 2023 07:59 AM

    Name of Chair, Co-Chairs or PGC

    Eileen Makoff

    Email Address


    Committee, Task Force, Discussion Group or PG Name

    Belpre Award Selection 2024

    How many times did your group meet this reporting period?


    Please summarize work accomplished, decisions made and follow-up actions determined during this reporting period.

    --Met virtually as a committee, with the goal of getting to know one another, reviewing ALSC requirements, reviewing the year's calendar, reviewing the document, "Diversity and ALSC Media Award Evaluation," and addressing any questions and concerns committee members might have.
    --As Chair, sent congratulatory/thank you letters (hard copies) to committee members' and administrative assistant's supervisors, a step that was met with gratitude from many committee members.
    --Ensured all committee members and administrative assistant had filled out roster AirTable form for Awards Coordinator and that they had confirmed their contact information in ALA Connect.
    --Met with Administrative Assistant to determine her role and tasks. Worked with her to build a tracking Google sheet for books received. Consulted with PGC and President to determine that the sheet would be used appropriately.
    --Scheduled an additional virtual committee meeting for March, in which our PGC will introduce himself to the group and explain his role, and our cultural competency consultant will explain her role and address issues of bias, etc.
    --Consulted with previous Chair.

    Which area of ALSC Strategic Action does the work described align?

    Diversity & InclusionLearning & Development

    Is there anything ALSC could have provided during this reporting period that would have helped your group with its work?

    Ideally, the Belpré manual would include more of an explanation of the purpose of tracking books as they come in and also a sample spreadsheet indicating what information should be collected.

    Date Created

    2/27/2023 16:38 UTC

    Eileen Makoff
    PS 234 Independence School