LRRT (Library Research Round Table)

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The mission of the Library Research Round Table (LRRT) is to contribute toward the extension and improvement of library research; to provide public program opportunities for describing and evaluating library research projects and for disseminating their findings; to inform and educate ALA members concerning research techniques and their usefulness in obtaining information with which to reach administrative decisions and solve problems; and expand the theoretical base of the field. LRRT also, serves as a forum for discussion and action on issues related to the literature and information needs for the field of library and information science.

Learn more about LRRT on the ALA website.

Reminder: LRRT May webinar this Friday

  • 1.  Reminder: LRRT May webinar this Friday

    Posted May 10, 2022 08:27 AM

    Are you presenting at ALA Annual or another conference this summer? Perhaps you're working on a conference proposal for fall. If so, this webinar is for you. Members of the LRRT Steering Committee will share tips to help you prepare your conference presentation or proposal based on their expertise as presenters and proposal reviewers. Register at this link:

    Have a question for the panelists? Share it on this form:

    Date: May 13th, at 1pm Central/2pm Eastern

    Speakers: Dr. John Budd and Karen Harker, LRRT Steering Committee

    See you then,

    Africa Hands
    LRRT Chair, 2021-2022

    Africa Hands
    Assistant Professor
    East Carolina University