In case you missed LITAITIG us at Annual, this happened:
Our session as noted in the program book:
Instructional Technologies tool share and LITA guide on privacy
Monday, June 24
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Location: Washington Convention Center, 144B-C
Come learn and share about instructional technologies! Our featured guest will be Bobbi Newman, co-editor of The LITA Guide "Protecting Patron Privacy" with Bonnie Tijerina We will have plenty of time to have an open discussion facilitated by LITA ITIG Chair Lilly Ramin, with a presentation from LITA Instructional Technologies members including Bree Kirsch. We will share the technology tools we are using in our libraries and invite others to do the same. Check out the LITA ALA Connect page for details about the group and other conference events:
Twitter hashag: #litaitig
A few tech glitches but thanks to patient speakers and participants, the session was lively!. I am happy people liked the theme.
Thank you to our speakers: Bobbi and Bree (and Julie who joined us!).
To our attendees/participants who asked questions and shared ideas on technology and privacy (great turnout at our Monday session!)
Lilly Ramin
First Year Experience, Sociology & Instructional Technologies Librarian
University of North Texas