(Kindly forgive cross-posting.)
Now that you’ve blocked out your meeting schedule, do you have an hour or two to volunteer as a resume reviewer or booth greeter at the ALA 2014 Annual in Las Vegas? The review service is very popular and there are always lots of people asking for help with their resumes and cover letters. We need your help to accommodate everyone! We are especially in need of booth greeters and Public and Special Libraries and School Media Specialists reviewers.
The NMRT Resume Review Service booth, located inside the ALA JobLIST Placement Center, in Hall N of the Las Vegas Convention Center, is open Saturday, June 28, and Sunday, June 29, from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm. Appointments are 30 minutes long and usually fill up quickly. The last appointments are scheduled for 30 minutes before closing each day.
To volunteer follow this link: https://sites.google.com/site/2014alanmrtrrrs/. Fill out the appropriate form and click “Submit.”
If you have questions, please contact the NMRT Resume Review Service Co-chairs: Cheryl Blevens (cheryl.blevens@indstate.edu) or Nicole Spoor (nicolespoor@gmail.com), using “2014 Conference RRS Volunteer” in the subject line of your email. Thank you!