Do you find yourself wishing that someone would have been there to teach you all that you now know? Would you like to walk alongside a new librarian as they enter the profession?
Here is your chance to participate in a great new project from the New Members Round Table of ALA (NMRT), to meet a new librarian ally, and to have someone to guide as they learn the ins and outs of librarianship. The NMRT Mentoring Committee's Career Mentoring Program focuses on long term mentoring. We will pair up "newbie librarians" with "seasoned vets" as part of a year-long mentoring program.
The NMRT Career Mentoring program will last from October 2014 to July 2015. Conference attendance is not required, but membership in ALA is required, and NMRT membership is encouraged.
For further information and to apply, please visit
Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions after visiting the site.
The New Member Round Table Mentoring Committee