Help guide the direction of the State and Local Documents Task Force!
The task force held a virtual brainstorming session on June 16 to build a list of possible projects or actions to focus on in the next five years.
The survey will close Friday July 17th.
Proposed Actions:
- Have representatives for state and local at other ALA wide meetings like GIS and LEG and Leg. Assembly to promote state and local
- Update projects listed on the wiki page
- Identify opportunities and support some of the legislative work being done by state library associations
- Connect with the e-gov subcommittee of LEG for webinar possibilities
- More virtual meetings during the year focused on specific issues like managing born digital materials/produce more webinars focused on state and local issues
- Create a list of listservs related to state/local documents on the wiki
- Create a listserv for state and local documents discussion
- Identify organizations, inside or outside of ALA, who would be good partners
- Identify who might have interests in state and local government information besides government documents librarians.
- Hold a Summer Institute for State and Local Gov Info (something along the lines of the Winter Institute for Statistical Literacy for Librarians but for state and local gov info collection development, public service, etc.)
- Sharing best practices through webinars – similar to Accidental Government Librarian series only specific to state and local
- Find ways to encourage those who teach gov docs courses at LIS programs to include more on state and local
- Identify webinar topics through needs assessment
- Conduct a periodic survey of state documents programs throughout the country (what they are doing and problems they are having) and publish the results.
The more opinions we have, the better! If you are interested in state and local government information please take a moment to fill participate in the survey.
Samantha Hager
Colorado State Library