GODORT (Government Documents Round Table)

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last person joined: 13 days ago 

The mission of the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) is to (1) To provide a forum for discussion of problems, concerns, and for exchange of ideas by librarians working with government documents; (2) to provide a force for initiating and supporting programs to increase availability, use, and bibliographic control of documents; (3) to increase communication between documents librarians and other librarians; (4) to contribute to the extension and improvement of education and training of documents librarians.

Learn more about GODORT on the ALA website.

Poll: I am testing ALA Connect's polling function. It should allow GODORT members to "vote" on a measure. Your responses will be anonymous. It is only a test. "Would you be willing to use ALA Connect's POLL to vote on GODORT Membership business?"

  • 1.  Poll: I am testing ALA Connect's polling function. It should allow GODORT members to "vote" on a measure. Your responses will be anonymous. It is only a test. "Would you be willing to use ALA Connect's POLL to vote on GODORT Membership business?"

    Posted Oct 17, 2016 01:17 PM

  • 2.  RE: Poll: I am testing ALA Connect's polling function. It should allow GODORT members to "vote" on a measure. Your responses will be anonymous. It is only a test. "Would you be willing to use ALA Connect's POLL to vote on GODORT Membership business?"

    Posted Oct 21, 2016 12:59 PM

    Hi - you can also do bylaws updates through the annual elections process, so there are three times each year you can update the bylaws.   That seems to be enough, to me.


  • 3.  RE: Poll: I am testing ALA Connect's polling function. It should allow GODORT members to "vote" on a measure. Your responses will be anonymous. It is only a test. "Would you be willing to use ALA Connect's POLL to vote on GODORT Membership business?"

    Posted Oct 21, 2016 04:48 PM

    I have several concerns with a proposal that keeps the voting process "as is".


    My primary concern with the current method of physically voting [midwinter, annual conference] is the fact that many of our members are disenfranchised simply by the fact that they are not able to attend.  If we are committed to our organizations movement towards a more virtual presence and participation then we need to provide better options.  


    ALAConnect is a proven option in many of ALA's organizations.  


    Although I wholly approve of the importance of "hearing the discussion", this is also problematic since we simply have not addressed better mechanism for our virtual members to pursue said discussion.  If by "hearing the discussion" we mean simply those that happen in Steering or at midwinter and annual then we are back to my "primary concern".  Our general membership meeting change many years ago to an update rather place where people "discuss this issues".  IMHO, this may be a blessing in disguise since again only those who attend are heard.  


    Timing is another critical issue.  Often times it takes Steering long into the Fall to begin engaging the issues.  By the time Midwinter rolls around many of those artificial deadlines that worked great in the non-virtual world are past.  This means that only two "the ballot" .... and annual are your only real choices.


    Another chief concern is that our organization is simply at a critical stage of its life cycle that requires a more robust method for being responsive to the needs of our members.  Creating artificial “times that we can vote” has created a stagnate organization.  That said, it certainly is important to discuss, but I believe that we can be better about “calling the vote” and empowering our leaders to move us forward.


    In sum, I’m in favor of a virtual method for voting, virtual method for discussion, and a little more flexibility on when our leaders can “call the vote”.  

  • 4.  RE: Poll: I am testing ALA Connect's polling function. It should allow GODORT members to "vote" on a measure. Your responses will be anonymous. It is only a test. "Would you be willing to use ALA Connect's POLL to vote on GODORT Membership business?"

    Posted Oct 25, 2016 09:48 AM

    One of the issue with this polling software is that "Poll questions are limited to 255 characters (including spaces) and cannot contain new lines." 

    We can attach documents, so that the question could refer to the change proposed in the attachment.

    Other features of polling on ALA Connect:

    When a poll is closed, visitors can no longer vote for it.
    After this period, the poll will be closed automatically.


  • 5.  RE: Poll: I am testing ALA Connect's polling function. It should allow GODORT members to "vote" on a measure. Your responses will be anonymous. It is only a test. "Would you be willing to use ALA Connect's POLL to vote on GODORT Membership business?"

    Posted Oct 25, 2016 09:48 AM
    Oct 17 2016 2:28PM Samantha Hager: Sure, this works
    Oct 17 2016 2:34PM Kirsten Clark: Sure, this works
    Oct 17 2016 2:35PM Barbara Mann: Sure, this works
    Oct 17 2016 2:35PM Siu Min Yu: Sure, this works
    Oct 17 2016 2:35PM Linda Spiro: Sure, this works
    Oct 17 2016 2:38PM Rebecca Richardson: Sure, this works
    Oct 17 2016 4:24PM Sarah Erekson: Sure, this works
    Oct 17 2016 5:47PM Simon Healey: Sure, this works
    Oct 18 2016 8:51AM Jennifer Huck: Sure, this works
    Oct 18 2016 2:18PM Edith Beckett: Sure, this works
    Oct 19 2016 5:31AM Shari Laster: Sure, this works
    Oct 19 2016 1:37PM Marilyn Von Seggern: Sure, this works
    Oct 20 2016 8:39AM John Stevenson: Sure, this works
    Oct 21 2016 1:59PM Andrea Sevetson: No, I only want to vote at conferences
    Oct 21 2016 2:13PM Helen Sheehy: Sure, this works
    Oct 21 2016 2:21PM Thomas Adamich: Sure, this works
    Oct 21 2016 5:47PM Stephen Woods: Sure, this works
    Oct 23 2016 3:17PM Daniel Cornwall: Sure, this works
    Oct 23 2016 3:42PM David McFadden: Sure, this works
    Oct 23 2016 8:37PM Sinai Wood: Sure, this works
    Oct 24 2016 7:29AM Sandra McAninch: Sure, this works
    Oct 24 2016 7:49AM Vicki Tate: No, I only want to vote at conferences
    Oct 24 2016 8:11AM Brett Cloyd: Sure, this works
    Oct 24 2016 8:26AM Fay Verburg: Sure, this works
    Oct 24 2016 10:42AM Cassandra Hartnett: Sure, this works
    Oct 24 2016 11:31AM Barbara Selby: Sure, this works
    Oct 24 2016 12:39PM Kristine Kasianovitz: Sure, this works