Hi Rachel. Apologies for not responding to your question. There’s contact info at the bottom of NARA’s guidance on managing social media records:
https://digital.gov/resources/nara-guidance-on-managing-social-media-records/It seems pretty clear to me. Social media accts of the president are considered presidential records and NARA does preserve them. The issue with Trump’s tweets is that he was banned from twitter for violating their terms (and if I can be so bold, violating the Constitution for inciting an attempted insurrection). With other presidents, twitter allows its interface to continue to serve out the tweets. But with Trump’s, twitter won’t allow that. But NARA does indeed have the tweets. My read of several articles including the one below is that NARA is just trying to figure out how to make those tweets publicly available since they can’t use the native twitter interface. While NARA is figuring things out, there are several archives available such as
https://www.thetrumparchive.com.https://www.nextgov.com/cio-briefing/2021/01/how-naras-preserving-more-20-terabytes-trump-social-media-data/171582/NARA contracts with ArchiveSocial to preserve presidential social media:
https://archivesocial.com/case-study/white-house-social-media-archive/Also, FYI, I ordered “Just the tweets” volume 1 for our library back in March.
https://justthetweets.comI hope that clarifies.
James Jacobs
James R. Jacobs
US Government Information Librarian
123D Green Library
Stanford University
P: 650.862.9871
jrjacobs@stanford.eduT: @freegovinfo
W: freegovinfo.info
"The art of research is the ability to look at the details, and see the passion."
-- Daryl Zero, "The Zero Effect" (1998)
This message has been intercepted and read by U.S. government agencies including the FBI, CIA, and NSA without notice, warrant or knowledge of sender or recipient and without regard for the US Constitution.
Original Message:
Sent: 7/14/2021 3:14:00 PM
From: Rachel Dobkin
Subject: looking for a contact at NARA in re presidential records.
I’m looking ASAP for someone at NARA to clarify issues related to social media as presidential docs, and specifically Trump’s twitter account, There’s a lot of conflicting info.
I’ve chatted with NARA folks at ALA who sort of respected and trusted gov doc/info librarians and go deeper than just the “talking points.”
Thank you!
Rachel Dobkin