All kidding aside, GODORT needs leaders, people who are committed
to providing government information to the people, people like you.
Too often we wait for someone to tap us on the shoulder and ask.
Some people get left out, not because they wouldn't do a wonderful job, but
because we, the Nominating Committee, didn't know of their interest.
We are asking for your help. If you would like to stand for election for
one of these positions:
Assistant Chair/Chair-Elect (3 year commitment)
Secretary (1 year commitment)
Awards Committee (2 year commitment)
Bylaws Committee (2 year commitment)
Nominating Committee (2 years commitment)
Publications Committee Chair/Chair-Elect (2 years commitment)
Federal Documents Task Force Assistant Coordinator/Coordinator-Elect (2 year commitment)
Federal Documents Task Force Secretary (1 year commitment)
International Documents Task Force Assistant Coordinator/Coordinator-Elect (2 year commitment)
International Documents Task Force Secretary (1 year commitment)
State and Local Documents Task Force Sectary (1 year commitment)
GODORT Treasurer (2 year commitment)
or if you know someone who you think would be a wonderful candidate,
please contact either Jill Moriearty <> or Jill
Vassilakos-Long <> ASAP.
"The Jills"