GAMERT (Gaming) Round Table

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last person joined: 13 days ago 

The mission of the Games and Gaming Round Table is to provide the following:
  • A forum for the exchange of ideas and concerns surrounding games in libraries;
  • Resources to the library community to support the building and maintaining of library game collections;
  • A force for initiating and supporting game programming in libraries;
  • Create an awareness of, and need for, the support of the value of gaming and play in libraries, schools, and related learning communities.
  • Create an awareness of the value of games and gaming in library outreach and community engagement plans.
  • A professional and social forum for networking among librarians and non-librarians interested in games and gaming.

ALA Annual Volunteers needed

  • 1.  ALA Annual Volunteers needed

    Posted May 19, 2017 07:49 AM

    Are you going to ALA Annual this year? Each year GameRT runs the free event ALAPlay! This event wouldn’t be such a success without our volunteers. Sign up here to volunteer for ALA Play:

    GameRT has an exhibit booth at ALA Annual. As a volunteer in this booth, you'll inform conference attendees about GameRT, our conference programming, and games in libraries. It's a great way to meet people! You can sign up to volunteer for the GameRT Booth: