GAMERT (Gaming) Round Table

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last person joined: 13 days ago 

The mission of the Games and Gaming Round Table is to provide the following:
  • A forum for the exchange of ideas and concerns surrounding games in libraries;
  • Resources to the library community to support the building and maintaining of library game collections;
  • A force for initiating and supporting game programming in libraries;
  • Create an awareness of, and need for, the support of the value of gaming and play in libraries, schools, and related learning communities.
  • Create an awareness of the value of games and gaming in library outreach and community engagement plans.
  • A professional and social forum for networking among librarians and non-librarians interested in games and gaming.

Eisner Grant Jurors Needed / Deadline for applying 2/16/15

  • 1.  Eisner Grant Jurors Needed / Deadline for applying 2/16/15

    Posted Feb 12, 2015 01:54 PM

    Hi all!

    GameRT partnered with the Graphic Novels MIG to help with the Eisner Grants. I need two GameRT members to join the two juries, one for the Will Eisner Graphic Novel Growth Grant Jury and one for the Will Eisner Graphic Novel Innovation Grant. If you would like to be a juror for this grant, please contact me by 2/16. You can email me at Diane.Robson at Please include a few lines about yourself and why you would be a great juror for these awards.

    If you are applying for an Eisner Grant, you may not serve as a juror.

    Sorry for this short notice.

    Diane Robson
    GameRT President