GAMERT (Gaming) Round Table

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The mission of the Games and Gaming Round Table is to provide the following:
  • A forum for the exchange of ideas and concerns surrounding games in libraries;
  • Resources to the library community to support the building and maintaining of library game collections;
  • A force for initiating and supporting game programming in libraries;
  • Create an awareness of, and need for, the support of the value of gaming and play in libraries, schools, and related learning communities.
  • Create an awareness of the value of games and gaming in library outreach and community engagement plans.
  • A professional and social forum for networking among librarians and non-librarians interested in games and gaming.
  • 1.  Nominations for the 2015 GameRT Spring Elections

    Posted Oct 03, 2014 11:20 AM

    The GameRT Nominating Committee is calling for nominees to run on the 2015 spring ballot for the following offices:

    The Vice-President serves the first year after election as Vice-President, the second year as President, and third year as Past-President. This position performs duties as assigned and chairs the Long Range and Strategic Planning Committee.

    The Secretary serves a two year term. The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the Round Table and Board and shall submit the minutes of these meetings to the President within six weeks following the meeting; shall arrange for the preservation of the archives and records of GameRT; and shall perform other duties as assigned by the Board.

    The Treasurer serves a two year term. The Treasurer shall review all financial reports prepared by the American Library Association for Round Table; shall report on Round Table finances at each Board Meeting; shall assist the officers in budget development; and shall perform such other duties as the Board may assign to this office.

    Members-at-Large/Director (3 positions)
    The Directors serve a 2 year term on the Board. The Board includes the President, Vice-President, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer and 6 directors. This group has approval over the affairs of the Round Table. Members-at-large will attend Board meetings.

    Nominees must be current GameRT members. Nominations and self nominations are encouraged. 

    You can read more about the duties for each position in the GameRT bylaws. If you wish to run for an office you must fill out a biographical form.

    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask here or to contact Diane Robson. Thanks!



  • 2.  RE: Nominations for the 2015 GameRT Spring Elections

    Posted Nov 25, 2014 02:26 PM

    Nominations for GameRT positions are due soon. The GameRT Board is a great place to start your national professional development. Please consider joining this great group to help guide the GameRT through the next few years.

    If you have any questions about the duties required for these positions please contact me. 

    Diane Robson