Hi everyone,
The Collaborative Digitization Interest Group's listserve, along with other ALA-hosted listserves, has a slightly new address as of the first of the year. Please send your messages now to ascla-igcd@lists.ala.org (instead of the former ascla-igcd@ala.org).
We have about 200 subscribers now on the listserve. If you want to invite other colleagues to join, please forward these subscription instructions:
To subscribe, send an email message to sympa@ala.org with the following subject:
subscribe ascla-igcd firstname lastname
Replace firstname and lastname above with your first and last names.
Do not put anything in the body of the message.
We have a great line-up of presentations and updates for our meeting at ALA MidWinter on Saturday, January 31. I will be sending out information tomorrow, so stay tuned!
Sandra McIntyre | Director, Mountain West Digital Library
sandra.mcintyre@utah.edu | +1-801-585-0969 | http://mwdl.org