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Opportunities to Provide Comment on Revisions to ALA's Core Competencies

  • 1.  Opportunities to Provide Comment on Revisions to ALA's Core Competencies

    Posted Jun 24, 2021 08:30 AM
    A Public Forum on the 2021 Revision to ALA's Core Competencies is scheduled for Sunday, June 27, 1:30 - 2:30 CT:
    Since 2017, ALA's Committee on Education (COE) has been updating the 2009 Statement of ALA's Core Competences in response to multiple recommendations from Task Force on the Context of Future Accreditation and an action request from the ALA Executive Board. After multiple years of revision, COE is pleased to invite the library and information science (LIS) community to provide feedback on the 2021 draft.

    More from the ALA Member News press release:
    The draft ALACCs document is the first iteration of the ALACCs which intentionally incorporates the concepts of social justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion both throughout the competences and in a separate competence. Embedding social justice throughout the competences demonstrates that it is not a siloed activity while having a separate social justice competence also recognizes that it contains unique attributes over and above the other competences.

    Dates and times of additional feedback sessions as well as a link to the feedback survey are found on the ALACCs draft document website

    Rachel Fleming
    Scholarly Communications Librarian
    University of Tennessee Chattanooga