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OCLC releases Dewey linked data

  • 1.  OCLC releases Dewey linked data

    Posted 27 days ago

    OCLC is committed to its linked data strategy, and we continue to publish existing library information as linked data in ways that support better description and discovery of library resources across the web. We've already made fundamental steps forward in building a linked data ecosystem with the release of OCLC Meridian and WorldCat Entities. And now, we're pleased to announce the transformation of another dataset: the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system.   

    Unlocking the power of Dewey 

    We're unlocking the power of the DDC to build an increasingly robust linked data infrastructure by creating uniform resource identifiers (URIs) for Dewey numbers. As the foundation for our "concept" entities, this Dewey linked data provides subject classifications to Works entities inWorldCat Entities, creating a layer of new relationships for knowledge graphs that power discovery.  

    These identifiers make the Dewey classification numbers more meaningful, create connections between broad classification numbers and specific subject topics, and provide multi-language labels for otherwise opaque numbers. Using machine-actionable and web-friendly URIs, Dewey linked data connects across established classifications and subject headings data. For example, the OCLC Research team mapped Dewey classifications to FAST (Faceted Application of Subject Terminology) topical headings, enabling relationships to the Dewey linked data. 

    Who can access Dewey linked data? 

    Anyone is free to view and access a base set of Dewey linked data and can begin integrating Dewey URIs into their local data management and discovery systems today.

    Libraries that subscribe to WebDewey have access to the full range of Dewey linked data URIs and associated metadata. In addition, two new APIs are available that enable users to easily integrate Dewey linked data into other systems and services. WebDewey users can access these APIs as part of their subscription.

    Access Dewey linked data

    Find more detail about our linked data strategy at oc.lc/linkeddata

    Learn more about our WebDewey service at oc.lc/webdewey.

    Please excuse duplication of this message. 

    Kate James (she/her/hers)
    OCLC · Program Coordinator- Metadata Engagement, Global Product Management
    6565 Kilgour Place, Dublin, Ohio, 43017 United States