Dear Members,
The Steering Committee on Organizational Effectiveness (SCOE) met two weeks ago in Chicago to distill the excellent input we've received from members over the last few months, as well as to review data about effective membership association structures and processes nationally and internationally. Taking all of this information into consideration, the group came up with a series of draft recommendations we feel will strengthen ALA for many years to come. Of critical importance is that we point towards our future together, as one integrated association that operates more collaboratively. Central to our work is ensuring that our association supports the needs of its members and staff in fulfilling our mission, "to provide leadership for the development, promotion and improvement of library and information services and the profession of librarianship in order to enhance learning and ensure access to information for all".
We were very intentional in creating these recommendations that build upon our strengths as an association and remain true to our core values. Throughout our meetings we identified the need for more information, specifically a stronger fiscal and legal analysis, with additional time for testing and refinement from members. Therefore, we decided to extend our timeline as is outlined below.
Our draft recommendations will be released for initial review two weeks ahead of ALA Annual. We invite you to participate in the five input sessions in Washington DC that will further refine and enhance the recommendations. We will also have a virtual session on Monday, July 8, 11am Pacific for those who cannot make it to Annual. If you'd like to provide feedback in other ways, you are encouraged to start a discussion thread in our SCOE Connect Group and may email me directly at
I am very excited to bring these recommendations to you all and to receive your input. Our team has worked very hard to listen and integrate as much as we could and we look forward to continuing the conversation in June.
Lessa Pelayo-Lozada
SCOE Chair
Washington Convention Center, 103B
- Saturday, June 22, 12:00pm - 1:30pm
- Saturday, June 22, 2:30pm - 4:00pm
- Sunday, June 23, 12:00 pm - 1:30pm
- Sunday, June 23, 2:30pm - 4:00pm
- Monday, June 24, 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Appointment of SCOE by ALA President Jim Neal (New Orleans)
June 2018
Remodeling Summit (Chicago)
October 2018
Initial ideas presentations to members (Seattle)
January 2019
Virtual ideas presentation to members
February 2019
Executive Committee Meeting, Meetings with ALA Staff (Chicago)
March 23, 2019
4 virtual input sessions with specific member groups (Councilors/Executive Board, Roundtables/MIGs, Divisions, Committees)
April 2019
SCOE Review and developing recommendations (Chicago)
May 7-8 2019
Meetings with ALA Staff (Chicago)
May 20, 2019
Presentation of recommendations to members (Washington, DC)
June 2019
Virtual presentation of recommendations to members
July 8, 2019
Meetings with ALA Staff (Washington, DC)
July 15, 2019
Fiscal Analysis by sub-committee, Integration of chapters and affiliates
July - September 2019
Development of final recommendations (Chicago)
September 2019
Presentation of final recommendations to Executive Board
October 2019
Final fiscal analysis and recommendations. Legal Analysis. Constitution & Bylaws Analysis
November - December 2019
Identify Implementation Team, Wanda appoints
November 2019
Develop final Council presentation (connect to C&B, Budget, etc.)
November - December 2019
Introduction of new ALA Executive Director
January 2020
Presentation to Council (Philadelphia)
January 2020
Council vote 1 (Chicago)
June 2020
Council vote 2 (Indianapolis) *First governance meeting at "new Midwinter"
January 2021
Membership Ballot
Spring 2021
Lessa Kanani'opua Pelayo-Lozada
ALA Executive Board Member
Chair, ALA Steering Committee on Organizational Effectiveness
Adult Services Assistant Manager, Palos Verdes Library District