RDA does not prescribe any form of construction of an access point for any instance of an entity. There is no universal agreement on access points that can be prescribed, despite the best efforts of IFLA and other international bibliographic metadata organizations. That is why all of the original RDA instructions have been moved to the Community area, so that communities of practice such as PCC can incorporate their own approach without having to negotiate with RSC or other communities with a different point of view. [I am quite sure that differences of opinion exist within a community and I would expect to see interesting discussions emerging as communities exploit this new facility in the RDA Toolkit.]
RDA does not say that every component used in constructing an access point must be recorded as a separate element (and never has). An access point is no more than a structured and controlled string that refers to an instance of an entity. The string encoding scheme used to create an access point can use the value of any RDA element, the value of an element from another scheme (such as ISBD), any boilerplate string, and any punctuation.
The absence of a specific instruction or option in RDA should not be taken as evidence that the practice is 'not permitted'.
The specific issues raised by Adam are associated with the conflation of Place and Corporate Body as 'jurisdiction'. The coherency and interoperability of RDA metadata depends on specifying what type of entity is being described (what kind of thing?). In traditional string-based metadata schema, strings may well be differentiated by the type of thing. The most egregious example I have come across is the label 'library', which may refer to three kinds of entity:
I will see you in the library at 10 am ('Library' as Place).
The book you want is available from the library ('Library' as collection Manifestation)
The library has fined me for overdue items ('Library' as Corporate Body)
So "Big Sky Resort" may refer to a Place (see you at the resort) or to a Corporate Body (the resort offers complimentary upgrades). If the string is to be recorded as a separate element, it is important to make the entity distinction with the MARC subfield encoding. Of course, it might be better to use "Big Sky Resort (place)" and "Big Sky Resort (corporate body)", which are separate, unambiguous strings.
Gordon Dunsire
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 20, 2021 02:54 PM
From: Adam Schiff
Subject: Alternative to record associated institution instead of place for location of conference
The examples in the location you specified in RDA are qualifiers to distinguish among bodies with the same preferred name.
Annual Computer Law Institute (Practising Law Institute)
In this example, Practising Law Institute is not the location of the conference and would not be in $c. It's added to distinguish this Annual Computer Law Institute from three others with the same preferred name:
Annual Computer Law Institute (American Law Institute-American Bar Association Committee on Continuing Professional Education)
Annual Computer Law Institute (University of Southern California. Law Center)
Annual Computer Law Institute (University of Southern California. Law School)
For a single instance of the first one, you would get access points such as these:
Annual Computer Law Institute (Practising Law Institute) ǂn (10th : ǂd 1988 : ǂc New York, N.Y.)
Annual Computer Law Institute (Practising Law Institute) ǂn (21st : ǂd 2001 : ǂc Atlanta, Ga.; ǂc San Francisco, Calif.; ǂc New York, N.Y.)
The other examples there are similar:
B'nai B'rith Hillel Federation Jewish Student Center (University of Cincinnati)
B'nai B'rith Hillel-Federation Jewish Student Center (University of Maryland, College Park)
Carnegie Library (Livingstone College)
Carnegie Library (Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University)
So I don't think this instruction could substitute for the option of using an associated institution as the place of conference when the institution name provides better identification, or the local place is not known or cannot readily be determined.
Adam L. Schiff
Principal Cataloger
University of Washington Libraries
(206) 543-8409
Original Message:
Sent: 8/20/2021 3:23:00 PM
From: Mark Ehlert
Subject: RE: Alternative to record associated institution instead of place for location of conference
Is there an alternative approach with the instructions on building corp body access points, namely, to expand the policy statements written for the first chain of Options under "Additional elements and designations..."? Weighing one Option of over another appears in the LCC-PC comments to "preferred name of corporate body": "Prefer the associated institution's name instead of the local place name" (taken from RDA, it seems). I'm presuming these Options apply to conference and non-conference corp bodies.
Mark K. Ehlert Alma: NA04
Cataloging and Metadata Librarian Primo VE: NA04
O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library, University of St. Thomas
"Experience is by industry achieved // And perfected by
the swift course of time"--Shakespeare, "Two Gentlemen of
Verona," Act I, Scene iii
Original Message:
Sent: 8/20/2021 2:28:00 PM
From: Adam Schiff
Subject: RE: Alternative to record associated institution instead of place for location of conference
Consider these existing NARs:
IEEE International Workshop on Information Forensics and Security ǂd (2011 : ǂc Mabu Thermas and Resort)
International Conference on "Water Security on Sustainable Basis" ǂd (2012 : ǂc Majorda Beach Resort)
International Workshop on Parsing Technologies ǂd (1989 : ǂc Carnegie Mellon University; ǂc Hidden Valley Resort)
ISA (Conference : Springer (Firm)) ǂn (4th : ǂd 2010 : ǂc Sheraton Grande Ocean Resort)
National Conference on Wilderness Medicine ǂn (22nd : ǂd 2008 : ǂc Big Sky Resort)
In original RDA, the element recorded in the access point is location of conference, but what is recorded there is the preferred name of an associated institution. In MARC, the resort is recorded separately in 373 (associated institution) rather than in 370 $e (location of conference). But the meaning of $c in the authorized access point is location of meeting. So it is impossible to automatically map from the $c to the separate RDA element, as $c can hold either an actual place or an associated institution. Does MARC need a different subfield in 110/111 for associated institution?
Now place in RDA is defined as "A given extent of space." Resorts and other kinds of institutions do take up a given extent of space, so perhaps these entities can actually be considered places rather than related corporate bodies?
Adam L. Schiff
Principal Cataloger
University of Washington Libraries
(206) 543-8409
Original Message:
Sent: 8/20/2021 2:03:00 PM
From: Dominique Bourassa
Subject: RE: Alternative to record associated institution instead of place for location of conference
Sorry about this. You're right, this does not cover the situation you mentioned. The element place of conference has a range of place, which means it does not include "association institution."
I suppose someone could say that the sentence "Apply a local string punctuation pattern" covers your situation!
But if this instruction has been added to the community refinement "access point for corporate body: legacy Anglo-American instructions," it would be nice/important to add a condition and option box to cover related corporate body of corporate body.
Dominique Bourassa
Bibliographic Standards and Catalog Librarian
Yale University Library
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 20, 2021 12:47 PM
From: Adam Schiff
Subject: Alternative to record associated institution instead of place for location of conference
I saw that too Dominique, but no it doesn't cover this situation. The conditions there do not include any provision for using an associated institution instead of a place. Unless of course, place can be construed to cover both geographical places and the area of extent covered by an institution.
Adam L. Schiff
Principal Cataloger
University of Washington Libraries
(206) 543-8409
Original Message:
Sent: 8/20/2021 7:51:00 AM
From: Dominique Bourassa
Subject: RE: Alternative to record associated institution instead of place for location of conference
Hi Adam,
I think it has been moved to the community refinements. Is this what you are looking for:
Dominique Bourassa
Metadata Librarian
Monographic Latin Script Receipt and Cataloging
Monographic Processing Services
Technical Services Department
Yale University Library
PO Box 208203
New Haven, CT 06520-8203
Tel. (203) 432-3943
Dominique Bourassa
Bibliographic Standards and Catalog Librarian
Yale University Library
Original Message:
Sent: Aug 19, 2021 08:05 PM
From: Adam Schiff
Subject: Alternative to record associated institution instead of place for location of conference
In original RDA, 11.3.2 has an exception to record an associated institution as the location of a conference. also has an exception to include the associated institution as the location in the authorized access point for a conference. In new RDA, the element place of conference has no indication that related corporate body of corporate body should be recorded instead of place of conference if, according to the instructions in original RDA: the name of an associated institution provides better identification than the place name orthe place name or names are not known
or the place name or names cannot be readily determined. I also do not find anything in the elements
access point for corporate body or
authorized access point for corporate body that carry over the exception from original RDA. Have I just missed finding it? Did the RSC decide to change the practice so that associated institutions are no longer permitted to include in conference access points?
Adam Schiff
Principal Cataloger
University of Washington Libraries