Hello all!
The ACRL Health Science Interest Group’s next Friday Forum is scheduled for Friday, April 5th from 12-1 EDT (9am-10am Pacific, 10am-11am Mountain, 11am-12pm central) on Zoom. You do not have to be a member of ACRL to join us!
Title: Evidence Synthesis: Managing the Faculty Consultation
- Jules Bailey, the Health Sciences Librarian, Florida State University
- Anita Kuiken, Librarian to the Falk College of Sport and Human Dynamics, Syracuse University
In this session, attendees will learn:
- Service levels: which ones fit your library?
- Pre-consult: webpages, forms, and information to gather
- Managing the consultation: Asking good questions
- Negotiating your role: what you can provide and attribution
- Following up!
Discussion will follow: What are your favorite tips and tricks? What important lessons have you learned? Bring your ideas!
Registration required: https://fsu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIofuupqzkoGNBKYnfz3fxljLqPCXdEC4WB
Recording of the presentation portion and slides will be posted on the ACRL HSIG research guide and sent out via the ACRL listserv after the forum. We will turn the recording off for post-presentation discussion.
Can’t make this one? Join us another time. Here’s the slate of upcoming Friday Forums in case you want to reserve the time on your calendar. All sessions are scheduled at Noon EST:
May 3: Advanced Searching for Evidence Synthesis and More
June 7: Evidence Synthesis Across Disciplines: Frameworks and Best Practices
July 12: Literary and Scoping Reviews: Setting up the Groundwork for Solid Research Projects
Questions? Please email jules.bailey@fsu.edu