Health Sciences Interest Group

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Charge: An opportunity for academic librarians with health sciences responsibilities to have a place in ACRL to network, share information, ask questions, and work on special projects relevant to the academic health sciences.
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Proposal reminder & event Zoom link: Favorite Features & Sneaky Solutions

  • 1.  Proposal reminder & event Zoom link: Favorite Features & Sneaky Solutions

    Posted Aug 20, 2024 10:16 AM

    Proposal reminder & event Zoom link: Favorite Features & Sneaky Solutions: A Database Tips Lightning Round!

    Event date: October 3, 2024, 2pm EDT on Zoom (see link below)

    Know about a fantastic function in Have a workaround strategy for something finicky in Ovid APA PsycInfo? Is there a bit of surprising searching wisdom you share with every expert searcher you meet, or with every patron expanding their novice skills? Inspired by the Technology in Education Caucus's popular "My Favorite Tool" sessions, the UX Caucus invites you to share your best database tips!

    Presenters will have 3-5 minutes to demonstrate their favorite database feature or sneaky searching solution. Your tips can be targeted toward experts working as experts OR for experts to share with patrons. After all, UX issues affect everyone, from beginning researchers to information specialists. Need inspiration? PubMed's clipboard is a great feature for patrons and experts alike; using My NCBI to turn on highlighting or create custom filters is more likely to be of interest to experts.

    To guide your presentation, consider the following:

    • What is your feature or solution?
    • How does it work?
    • Who is the target audience (experts, patrons, both)?
    • Convince us why it's useful!

    We'll be choosing a variety of tips to squeeze into this 45 minute UX extravaganza, presented by the MLA UX Caucus!

    Learn more and submit your lightning round proposal. Proposals must be submitted by Friday, August 30; presenters will be notified no later than September 13. You can submit more than one proposal.

    Unable to access Google Docs and Forms? Email Hilary Kraus ( or Sheryl Ramer ( with your proposal! You can also email us with any questions about the event.

    Join us at the Lightning Round event on Zoom!

    UX Caucus meeting link:

    Meeting ID: 895 6785 0646

    Passcode: UX2224

    Hilary Kraus
    Health Sciences Librarian for Clinical Support
    Brown University