ACRL Privacy Literacy Discussion Group

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last person joined: 4 days ago 

Our charge is to provide a forum to discuss privacy literacy as a key component of information literacy, as well as to promote educator self-efficacy around teaching privacy literacy in both formal and informal contexts.

Community members can post to the email discussion list by sending an email to or by creating a new discussion post directly in this ALA Connect site. When posting, please abide by the ACRL Online Code of Conduct.

How to participate

We invite anyone to participate in this community, whether or not they are a dues-paying member of ALA and ACRL.

We have two main community spaces for the Privacy Literacy Discussion group:

Do you have questions or feedback? Contact the co-conveners.

How to join this ALA Connect community

Anyone who is logged into their ALA Connect account can join the Privacy Literacy Discussion Group community on ALA Connect. All ALA members automatically have an ALA Connect account connected to their ALA login; non-members are welcome to create a free ALA account.

Once you are logged in, click the bright blue 'Join Community' button above the group name.

Privacy settings for this ALA Connect community

Anyone online can view this community, including the text of discussion posts and documents added to the Library. You don’t have to be logged into ALA Connect to find the community and see its content.

Keep in mind that messages you send are publicly viewable and could appear in search results.

We don’t have moderation set up for discussion posts.

How to join our Zotero group

Log into Zotero (or register for a free Zotero account), then request to join the Privacy Literacy Zotero group. The group owner will approve your membership.

Privacy settings for our Zotero group

Our Zotero group is public and closed. Anyone online can see items in the group library, but only group members can add, edit, or remove items.

  • 1.  Microlearning/Microcredentialing about Privacy or Learning Analytics?

    Posted Nov 21, 2024 04:52 PM

    Hi everyone,

    I'm wondering if anyone has recommendations for short online courses (3 - 8 weeks?) that cover topics like digital privacy (I'm particularly interested in higher education students/faculty but also community members) or learning analytics data.

    I'm especially interested in any courses you've taken and would recommend (or suggest I don't take!)

    My email is

    Happy Friday-eve!


    Gabriela Martínez Mercier
    Instruction & Research Librarian
    University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS)

  • 2.  RE: Microlearning/Microcredentialing about Privacy or Learning Analytics?

    Posted Nov 22, 2024 08:32 AM

    I'm not aware of anything like that being available.  Closest I know of are the certifications offered by IAPP. 




  • 3.  RE: Microlearning/Microcredentialing about Privacy or Learning Analytics?

    Posted Nov 22, 2024 09:10 AM

    Good morning, Gabriela,


    I'm not sure whether these are what you have in mind, but perhaps you could take a look at these:


    There's also a lot of options for full-semester courses, graduate certificates, or degrees focused on learning analytics (example, NC State grad cert), though I understand that may be much bigger than what you're hoping to find.


    Best of luck!


    Erin Owens (she/her/hers)

    Professor, Scholarly Communications Librarian

    Associate Director of Library Public Services

    Newton Gresham Library | Sam Houston State University

    SHSU Box 2179, Huntsville, TX 77341

    936-294-4567 |

    Schedule an appointment!

    View my ORCID Researcher Profile:

    Associate Editor (Research Articles), Evidence Based Library & Information Practice


    I respect work-free evenings and weekends. I will email as convenient during my flexible work schedule, but please don't feel any pressure to respond outside of your own working hours. 


    I'm Creative Commons Certified! I can advise on reusing, remixing, and publishing open resources.