Health Sciences Interest Group

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Charge: An opportunity for academic librarians with health sciences responsibilities to have a place in ACRL to network, share information, ask questions, and work on special projects relevant to the academic health sciences.
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DATE CHANGE: Favorite Features & Sneaky Solutions Event

  • 1.  DATE CHANGE: Favorite Features & Sneaky Solutions Event

    Posted Aug 30, 2024 09:46 AM

    The UX Caucus is moving the date of the Favorite Features & Sneaky Solutions: A Database Tips Lightning Round, as we belatedly realized there's a holiday conflict on the original date. As it's our recurring bimonthly meeting, we didn't think to check! We regret the error and are grateful to have been alerted to the issue.

    The new event date is Monday, October 7th, 2pm EDT

    This does not impact the extension for the proposal deadline, which remains Friday, September 6, and presenters will still be contacted no later than September 13. Learn more and submit your lightning round proposal: If you're unable to access Google Docs and Forms? Email Hilary Kraus ( or Sheryl Ramer ( with your proposal! You can also email us with any questions about the event.

    Join us at the Lightning Round event on Zoom! The link has not changed, but you can find it again below:

    UX Caucus meeting link:
    Meeting ID: 895 6785 0646
    Passcode: UX2224

    Thanks to all for your understanding!

    Hilary Kraus
    Health Sciences Librarian for Clinical Support
    Brown University