Hello ACRL Image Resources Discussion Group (formally Image Resources Interest Group). This post is an update on the transition from an Interest Group to a Discussion Group.
After difficulty finding members who would take the Convener and Incoming Convener positions, as well as a lack of presentation submissions and attendance for the Spring 2023 meeting, a change in status was recommended. The plan is to still host the Fall and Spring meetings and discussions, there just won't be the expectations to fill both Convener and Incoming Convener roles (only Convener).
The ACRL Board of Directors, at its June 29, 2024 ACRL Board of Directors Meeting I, held at the ALA Annual Conference in San Diego, California, reviewed the request. Based on the recommendation, the Board approved to transition the ACRL Image Resources Interest Group to the ACRL Image Resources Discussion Group.
The ARCL IRDG website and the Google Site have been updated.
As this year's Convener, I look forward to continued discussions and engagement. I will be posting the Fall meeting callout shortly. The topic is AI and Images in Library Instruction and Support.
Sarah Huber
Associate Professor of Library Science
Purdue University